Chapter 17

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Sitting in an empty class right now was Lincoln, who was trying to study in solitude after being treated like a celebrity by everyone in school...and in the city. After everything that's recently happened, he couldn't get his mind off Lily, or any of his sister. Have they really survived and become half-kaiju-like creatures? Was it because McCoy, or whoever's behind these recent Kaiju attacks? Did they experiment on his family? What if the next Kaiju they end up fighting is one of his own sisters? Such questions left him distracted and unable to continue studying.

Lincoln:"(sighs)...Maybe...Maybe...I don't know...Maybe Akimi can actually find a cure. There's got to be...something. My sisters don't deserve this. The last thing we did was fight, and I know they meant well, but..."

Groaning in frustration, Lincoln lays his head on the desk, not wanting to think too much about all this. It was happening too fast and it made his head hurt. He wanted to say to himself "Don't hold onto hope", but things have been changing, and not for the better of it. He wished that there was something to take his mind off of all this.

Lincoln:"I wonder what things are like back home now."

Back in Royal Woods, Lincoln's friends have been desperately trying to raise money in one casual way or another. Lemonade stands, garage sales, selling random stuff, and even got Stella trying to do a kissing booth, much to the girl's dismay. After a little while, Clyde, Rusty, Liam, and Stella banded together to see how much they had made.

Clyde:"Alright, it's been exactly three since we started. How much do we got?"

Rusty:"Let's see..."

They put their money and counted...

Liam:"18 dollars, 2 cents...and a note that says "Don't try to sell anything ever again.", from Mr. Grouse."

Stella:"Hey! Who does he think he is, telling us what we should do?"

Rusty:"According to this, he's speaking for the homeowners' association."

Clyde:"Ugh! We're never gonna get enough money for Japan. We gotta help Lincoln in some way!"

Liam:"Well, we all contributed!"

Rusty:"Yeah. Except for Zach. I don't think I've seen him at all today."

Stella:"He told me he wanted to look in on something important."

Clyde:"Let's go check him out."

A short walk to Zach's house later, the kids let themselves in and found Zach in his room. They were quite surprised to see their friend's bedroom covered in papers, having a chalkboard by his bed, and the boy in particular on a desktop computer, looking a little sleep-deprived as he was watching something on the screen. His friends were looking a little concerned since it appeared as if he hadn't moved from that spot in a while.


Zach:"Huh? Eh? Wha-?"

Rusty:"Dude, how long have you been in here?"

Zach:"Oh, since last night. I've been looking into all the stuff we could expect to see if we make it to Japan..."

Stella:"And...what's with the rest of this stuff? The papers? The notes?"

Zach:"Well, when I looked a little further in, I found some interesting stuff that might concern Lincoln."

Getting up from his seat, the redhead took some papers from his seat and brings them over to the chalkboard. The board itself had a chalk picture of Japan, with a few markings entitled around certain areas. The pictures he began putting up showed some sketches of Kaiju-like monsters, which Zach obviously drew himself. Clyde and the others weren't entirely sure where he was going, but they were willing to listen since they were aware of what was going on in that country, and it include their white-haired friend.

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