The Past Should Stay in the Past

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Finally, lunch. It's the first day of school and I'm dreading finding a table. Not cause I won't have anybody to eat with, but because if I'm not careful I'll end up at a table full of "friends" I haven't talked to since the 7th grade.

I walk around the halls for a little bit, just to be sure I don't get an empty table and have random people sitting with me. As I get to the bathrooms on the math hall my phone starts to ring. I look at the caller ID and see that it's my brother, Luke. Ughhh, what the heck does he want.

"What," I answer in a bored tone.

"Well excuse me for trying to check up on my baby sister." I can basically see him pouting.

"I'm not a baby, which means I'm not stupid. What do you want?"

"Mom just wanted me to call and tell you that if you need any lunch money it's in your bag. Oh yeah and-actually never mind." He curses at himself.

"Okay, but what were you about say," I ask and all I get in return is dead silence. "If you don't answer, so help me god, I will tell mom about that girl you brought home last weekend."

"SomeonemayormaynotbestayingwithusforafewweeksandthatsomeonemayormaynotbeDayton. Okay bye I gotta go you know schools always keeping me busy," he rushes out, then hangs up.

Did he just say Dayton. As in Dayton Ryder. At my house, flesh and bones. I look up at the sky, internally asking god what I did so wrong. I thought I was a pretty good kid, but obviously not. Cause now I have to live with the asshat, I know as, Dayton Ryder. I would explain, but I can feel my brain cells dying just thinking about him. As I'm about to explode Grace walks towards me asking where my next class is.

"Lunch. Yours?"

"I have lunch too. I really thought I was gonna be all alone." She looks like she could cry. I roll my eyes at her as we walk to the cafeteria together.

I assume that Mother Nature decided I deserve a break, because I see Liv and Dianne sitting at a table with two empty seats. Me and Grace sit down and Liv asks how our summers were. I internally grimace, and instead of talking listen to everyone else chat.

Liv went nowhere but her backyard everyday to tan. Dianne went to the beach once, and tried to tan the entire summer, but still looks like she could be Casper's younger sister. And lastly, Grace spent all summer with her boyfriend and his family.

"What about you, Soph?" Liv asks. Sometimes I wish she wasn't so nice, then I would never have to talk. She hates when people are left out.

"Ohh um, nothing special, you know how it is with my brothers." I lie, well not completely. Nothing that I found special happened. Just a bunch of idiots running in and out of my house non-stop.

"Oh really, cause I heard your house was a total hottie magnet." Of course Liv would know that.

"Oh my gosh yeah, wasn't that guy there?" Grace asks.

"You mean that hottie Dayton," Dianne says smirking at me.

"Yeah him," Grace fans herself " god bless his soul, it must be so amazing to look that fine."

"Calm down sis, don't forget you're taken," Dianne says before taking a bite out of her sand which.

Why do they have to know everything?

"I don't wanna talk about that, or him, or any of it," I say annoyed.

(Play the song, flashback)
I wake up groaning. Why are they already so loud. This is the fifth day in a row. The hockey, football, soccer, and lacrosse team have been at my house almost everyday this week. If not all of them at once then it's a different bunch everyday.
I on the other hand am taking a short math class during the beginning of summer break. What, it's good for my credits and I gotta study sometime. So that means until I finish no friends over, I can't have distractions around. The guys are easy to ignore all I have to do is make them a snack or something and they are all content. It's honestly sad.

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