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I'm sitting on the same stool as always with somebody behind me combing my hair. As per usual, I can't see who it is until they walk around that old marble countertop to the sink. It's a women with blonde hair that reaches about to her shoulder blades. It's always the same women. She turns and picks up a kid who was pulling on her pant leg, jeans. The same dirty ripped jeans that have paint and bleach stains all over them. She starts singing to us, and right on cue she looks over her shoulder at me with that boy still in her arms. This is always the part I dread the most because she's looking at me, and I'm looking at her, but I can never SEE her. We stare at each other a little while longer, pitch black.

Another dream. This is the fourth time this month I've had that dream. We always stare at each other and every time I JUST want to see her...but as soon as I get close enough I wake up.

It's almost like when you're crying and the tears make it hard to see, that's her face. Everything else is clear as day, her honey blonde hair, her dirty white toms, her blue jeans, and her faded mustard yellow shirt. All of it, why can't I see her face. More like why can't I remember, it just feels so real, like a memory. And now I sound crazy.

I look over at my alarm clock. 5:45am, might as well get up, I won't be able to fall back asleep in five minutes. I stand up and walk to MY bathroom. I know y'all might not see the big deal, but I am NOT sharing a bathroom with those pigs. I finish getting ready and throw on my blue leggings with a white ribbed tank top(cropped of course) and some white laced vans. Don't get too excited this is real life sister not some book, I can't just walk up into school like this. Sadly I throw on my...I mean my brothers....Redbirds sweatshirt(what it's true, they make everything so much more comfy for guys like wth).

I make my way down the hall past my brothers rooms and into one of their bathrooms to grab my straightener. And low-and-behold there's some red headed bimbo on the floor. I am so sick of my brothers bringing girls home and not taking care of their mess. I get her cleaned up(because of course she reeks of tequila and has vomit all over her), lay her on the carpet and grab a shirt from Benji. I know that girl came with him he's always messin around.

I finish with the straightener and head downstairs to make my breakfast and finish packing my bag. As soon as I take a bite of my toast I hear it. The stampede I call my brothers running and shoving down the stairs. Three of them don't even have to be up till nine for their classes, but they insist on eating with me cause I'm, "just growing up soooooo fast". The parade I call my family gets ready to leave after we kiss our parents goodbye.

Now I'm about to get in some nice cars with my brothers, don't flip out ok(thank you). I hop in Auggie's Land Rover and buckle up with Benji and Anderr in the back. They throw our bags in the back and we head to school. Time to get back to hell. Did I mention that it's the first day of school and I'm pissing my pants right I am.

We pull up and as usual everything stops. No joke the kids stop moving, talking, bruh I bet they stop breathing. Just to look at us...why you ask? Cause my brothers are the most popular idiots at this stupid school.

Then comes me the short, shy, and b*tchy little sister. I'm not excluded from this AMAZING occasion, nooooo, nuh uh, nahhhh. That could never happen cause karma and Mother Nature both hate my guts.

Just like everyday of my freshman year the hottest(debatable) girls come over to gossip and chat, asking how my summer was. To answer your next question, no they aren't all around me to bang my brothers. Only like half of I'm just being nice it's more like 3/4ths of them. But who cares that's how it's always been. Tabitha, yea you guessed it, the b*tch who wants to jump my brothers bones, is ranting about her stupid trip to Cabo.

"Yeah my daddy always buys me a new Calvin Klein when we go. I would ask for something nicer, but any time I do daddy always says that if the poor orphans can live without parents, I can live without the new Gucci bag." She rolls her eyes.

Yea why would she give two sh*ts when she's got all the money in the world. Now you see the type of people I'm forced to associate with just cause of my name. Then she starts yapping about how some waitress bumped into her and made her drop red lipstick in her white Valentino bag. That's when I see my cue to leave and go find my main biotches.

As soon as I walk in I feel all eyes on me. I forgot how weird people here were, it's just my name, if I was any other chick they wouldn't even spare me a second glance. As I get ready to pray that I don't run into anybody while I stare at my shoes I hear her.

"SOPHHH" one of the pretty idiots I call my best friend, Liv Berry screaming at me. As I get closer I see the other, much less loud, best friend Dianne Allison leaning on the lockers.

"Don't be so loud, it's the first day of school and I'm dead" I groan.

"Well maybe you would feel better if you were a normal human being and actually drank coffee," Dianne scoffs making me gasp.

"You did not just go there" I almost shriek as I see the fourth musketeer Grace Atkins walking our way. "Graceeeee," I wine "tell them to stop being so mean to me."

"They're just upset cause their coffee addicted butts are going through withdrawals," she comforts me as Liv and Dianne glare at her.

Dianne huffs and asks why she even spares us her time. Causing Grace and Liv to dramatically throw themselves on her and in chorus scream "CAUSE WE'RE YOUR TRUE LOVES, YOUR RIDE OR DIE."

At this point the entire hallway is silent, Dianne's face is beet red, and everyone is staring at us. I just stare at the three of them wide eyed and confused as hell.

"I can't even...I just can't deal with y'all right now. I need some normal friends, what did I do to deserve this." I mumble while I start walking away from them. But of course they heard and not one, not two, but all three of them start chanting.

" YOU LOVE US, YOU LOVE US, YOU LOVVEEEE—"they stop singing and I turn around. They're all standing there panting, they didn't even do anything. Walk much ladies.

"What are you, Taylor Swift" I ask laughing at their red faces.

"Precisely that," Liv answers me.

"If you couldn't tell that was the greatest love song ever written," Grace adds.

"Yep I guess you haven't heard about the record deal," Dianne says making a guilty face. "We'll just have to leave you behind I guess."

"Y'all would die without me, don't be stupid" I say hooking my arms through theirs as we march done the hall, no one in our way.

I guess it's not so bad being related to those doofuses. Junior year, get ready, cause I'm gonna kick your ass.

Had to add the song it's probs my favorite one from her.
I know it didn't go with the whole story but I thought it fit with her dream.
Speaking of wth was that dream about😏

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