Did we just have a moment???

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Dayton POV

I wake up to an empty bed and mumbling out side the door. I sit up and try to listen, but I only catch tidbits.

"What do you want me to say?" I think it's Soph's voice

"Nothing. I just want you to consider my feelings." That's the last thing I hear before I get up.


Once again she's with him.

I walked around the house this morning looking for her so we could talk. I go to her room, empty. Karson's room, empty. Landon's room, empty. When I get to River's room he mentions that he heard Dayton and Soph talking in the hall last night. Is this some sick joke or is she messing around. I make my way over to Dayton's room.

I don't hear any noise so I knock. No response. I knock again a little harder. I hear feet shuffling and then the door swings open. In front of me stands a pissed off teenage girl in an oversized shirt and boxers.

Soph POV

What the hell man. I look over at Dayton's alarm clock. It's 7:00 in the morning on a Sunday. Who is knocking on my frickin door.
I slowly get up, making sure not to wake Dayton. I grab the handle and fling the door open.

Is Max really trying to test me right now. He's standing outside the door in plaid pj pants and a grey nike sweatshirt. He looks over my shoulder at Dayton and clears his throat.

"We need to talk." I roll my eyes, but decide it's too early to argue. That mess takes a lot of energy. I quietly shut the door and wait for Max to say what he needs to say.


"Well," she stands with her arms crossed "what do you wanna talk about?"

"I just wanted to apologize for last night." She yawns, but nods her head for me to continue.
"I really didn't mean to start a fight I just...." I look down at the ground.
"You know how my dad was. It looks like I'm turning into that. It's really hard to stay away from it you know." She walks over to me and puts a hand on my arm.

"You're right Max, I do remember how you're dad was. So that means I can guarantee that you are nothing like him. You would never hurt the people you love." I look up at her and sigh.

"I just can't control my emotions. It's the only way that I can live carefree."

"Max I know you probably won't like this idea. But, maybe you should go see a therapist. Or a physiatrist." My eyes are probably bulging out of my head. So she thinks I'm crazy now.

"Soph...you really think I'm that sick? That I can't control my own life. I'm just going through some stuff right now. There's...this girl that I've been thinking about a lot lately. But I don't think she sees me that way." A few seconds pass and she's silent. I stare at her, waiting for a response.

"What, now that we're at the nitty gritty you don't know what to say?" Her mouth falls open.

"I just didn't know you hung out with other girls." She whispers.

"You think my world just revolves around you Soph? You aren't the only person in my life. Just like I'm not the only person in yours." Silence again.

"I go out. I make friends. I date. I sleep around. I fuck with peoples emotions. I'm not that same naive little kid you knew anymore. I hurt people okay. But now she's doing all this stuff to my heart and it hurts." Still nothing.

"Christ Soph. Do something, don't just stare at me."

"What do you want me to say?"

"Nothing. I just want you to consider my feelings." As soon as the words leave my mouth out waltzes Prince Charming.

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