Ice Cream

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"Sophronia what happened to your head!?" My mom asks once she sees me

She comes over and inspects me before giving my brothers a hard look.

"What did you do to her?"

"Mom, really?" River asks

"It's not our fault she doesn't know how to work a car," Beck says laughing before I elbow him in the stomach. He is currently on the floor in the fetal position where he belongs.

"She smacked her head on a steering wheel when we were at the bumper cars," Luke explains, "and she has a concussion."

"A concussion!" She almost yells

"Mom I'm fine, I just need to sleep," I yawn

"Ok go ahead," she says softly

I start to make my way up the stairs. I'm almost to the middle when I stop and turn around.

"I'm sorry we missed the dinner mom."

"It's fine sweetheart, she couldn't make it anyways," she says with a small smile.

Why is she smiling so much today?

Once I get into my room I head for the bathroom and start to get ready for bed. I finish my night routine and get into bed before falling into a deep sleep.

Next morning

I wake up from yet another dream of the women with blonde hair. It's nothing new. I go downstairs for breakfast after I get ready and join my family at the table.

"You look horrible," Frankie says from across the table.

"Thanks, and you look like dog crap," I say with a smile.

"Eat you two," mom scolds

"Who can take me to school today?" I ask

"You aren't going to school today Soph," Luke says.

"And why not?"

"You have a concussion."

"I mean yeah, but it's not even-I could survive one day at-"

"You aren't going, end of discussion," mom says

I lose my appetite and start to play with my food as my brothers make light conversation.

"Soph," Beck snaps me out of my thoughts, "what is student gov doing for the senior send off?"

"It's a secret, it's always a secret," I mumble.

"Well I figure you could make an exception for your brother," he smiles




"Pretty please."

"Not gonna happen."

"I'll ask Braden to take you out for ice cream."

"You mean Braden, freshman who plays football, Braden?"


"Gross," I say as a push away from the table.

"Soph at least tell me if it's gonna be at the school."

"We don't know yet, we're trying to raise some money to get y'all a better venue."

"Aww how sweet."

"I'm going back to sleep, have fun at school," I say as I trudge towards the stairs.

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