Fanfricking Tastic

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We decide to walk to the ice cream shop since it's close by. The weather is great and the kids are hilarious. The entire time Landon goes on and on about getting hit in the head with the ball. He swears he almost died.

"What if I have a concussion?" He asks

"How do you even know what that is," I ask laughing.

"Cause Dayton had one and mommy got mad at him."

"Why was she mad?"

"Because she said he needed to be more careful."

"It happened after all of your friends left," Karson chimes in.

"You mean after Christmas," Liv asks.


She must've found out that he got in a fight. He never told me he had a concussion though.

We get to the ice cream shop and get in line. The place is set up so that you order at a window and eat outside. We get to the window and Liv picks Karson up so she can tell the man what she wants.

Karson and Landon both get one scoop of chocolate ice cream. I get two scoops strawberry and Liv gets one scoop sherbet and one scoop vanilla. We sit down and start to eat when a few cars pull up. A group of about ten guys pile out of the cars and walk to the window to order ice cream.

I look over and notice Landon with chocolate ice cream all over his face. As I'm wiping it off I hear someone sort of shouting.


I pay it no attention and neither does Liv, until the guy speaks again.

"Hey, your Soph, right?"

I slowly turn towards him with my hand still on Landons face. I think the guy plays football for a school in Greenville.

"Yeah, that's me."

"Damn," the guy says and starts getting his friends attention. He tells them who I am and for some reason they all find it equally as interesting. "I thought he was lying."

"What are you talking about," I ask as I finish cleaning up Landons' face.

"That kid is Wesley's right," he asks.

"What, no."

"You don't have to keep it all hush hush, Wes told me about it."

"Wes told you about what?"

"You know, you being pregnant with his kid. He even looks like Wes," he says watching Landon.

"This isn't his son," I say.

"Oh so you got another baby daddy?"

"Let's go," I say to Liv.

"What's the problem bro," the guy asks.

"Get a life," Liv says rolling her eyes while she helps Karson off the bench. We get to the car when I realize I left my phone on the table. We get in the car and Liv drives us back to the ice cream shop. I get out and reach the table when I see the group of guys again. But this time they have an extra person.

"Wesley," I say and he turns around, "you should really watch who you let in on your private business."

I don't give him a chance to respond as I sashay to the car. I buckle up and then my phone starts to buzz. I look at it and see a text from Wes.

Wes- what was that abt???

Me- you seriously have no idea?

Wes- why else would I be asking

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