Chapter Four

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  In the morning, after a quick breakfast, I dash upstairs to freshen up and hurry out the door alongside my mom. As we reach the school premises, she drops me off by the grand front doors, and I step inside, greeted by piercing glares from resentful students. Ignoring their hostility, I make a beeline for my locker, releasing a heavy sigh as I retrieve my textbooks. With a deft motion, I shut the locker door, only to startle when I notice Alex standing right behind me. Startled, I lose my grip on the books, and they tumble from my hands.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you," Alex offers, his palms raised in a conciliatory gesture.

Rolling my eyes, I crouch down to retrieve my fallen books. "Well, you nearly gave me a heart attack. What do you want?"

"Hey, calm down," Alex urges, his voice tinged with concern.

"I shouldn't even be talking to you or acknowledging your existence," I retort.

"What are you talking about? What did Brittany tell you?" Alex's confusion is evident.

"She threatened my life and used her powers to choke me," I reply, my voice laced with frustration.

"Wait, what? She would never do that. You're lying," Alex insists, disbelief etched across his face.

"Believe what you want. It doesn't matter to me. Just leave me alone, okay?" I retort, determined to distance myself from the chaos.

A firm grip tightens around my arm as I walk away, halting my escape. I glance down and find Alex's hand firmly grasping my arm, pulling me back toward him.

"What? Alex, if Brittany sees me with you, she'll unleash her wrath," I warn, my voice tinged with apprehension.

He heaves a weary sigh. "I won't leave you alone, no matter what she does."

"Really? So, you will let her use her powers to end me?" I challenge, my eyes narrowing.

"She won't harm you. She's just bluffing," Alex reassures, his voice tinged with conviction.

Rolling my eyes in exasperation, I shake off his grasp. "Well, it's too late. I'm done talking to you."

With those words, I turn away, determined to find solace in the sanctuary of my classroom. As the bell rings, I reach my seat, purposefully choosing a spot far removed from Brittany and her entourage. Yet, much to my chagrin, I notice her approaching me with an unsettling smile on her face.

"So, Tammy, I noticed you and my boyfriend having a little chat in the hallway. Care to enlighten me?"

I respond with an eye roll, my patience wearing thin. "And why exactly do you need to know?"

Brittany lets out a forced laugh, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, come on! You already know the consequences if I catch you two talking."

"Well, if that's the case, do whatever you want! Use your powers, cause a scene, and get expelled. I was telling him to stay away from me, so relax," I retort, my voice laced with defiance.

Brittany smirks a hint of superiority in her eyes. "Oh, sweetheart, you're adorable. I never planned on ending you at school."

"I don't know your deal, but leave me alone. I'll stay away from Alex," I assert, my tone firm.

"Good. You better," Brittany replies with a satisfied nod.

With another eye roll, I dismiss her and turn my attention to the resounding bell signaling the start of the next class. Students file into their seats, and the teacher embarks on another monotonous English lesson. As the class draws to a close, I make my way to my chemistry class, only to be disheartened when I spot Brittany among the students in that course.

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