Chapter Six

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I sit at the kitchen table, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the pancakes that my mom prepares with such love and care. The aroma of freshly cooked pancakes fills the air, making my mouth water in anticipation. As my mom places the plate of fluffy, chocolate chip smiley-face pancakes in front of me, I can't help but smile back at their presentation.

"Good morning, sweetie," my mom greets me warmly.

"Morning, Mom," I reply, my excitement evident in my voice.

My dad joins us at the table, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the pancakes. As I savor the delicious pancakes, memories of my childhood with Grayson flood my mind. We were inseparable, always finding ways to bring joy to each other's lives. I remember a particular day when I wasn't feeling well, my spirits dampened by illness. Grayson, always mischievous, noticed my gloom and immediately sprang into action.

With a mischievous grin, Grayson began devouring his pancake most chaotically and exaggeratedly possible. He made silly faces, pretending to struggle with each bite and even spewing bits of pancake in the air, creating a whimsical scene that brought a smile to my face despite my discomfort. His antics lifted my spirits and reminded me of the joy and laughter that could be found even amid illness.

On another occasion, when I had a sore throat, making it difficult to swallow, Grayson came up with a rather unconventional solution. With a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, he grabbed a pancake from his plate and, without hesitation, pressed it against his face. I couldn't help but burst into laughter at his silliness, forgetting about my sore throat for a brief moment. Grayson's playful act showed me that even in difficult times, he was always there to bring a touch of humor and lightness to any situation.

"These pancakes are amazing, Mom," I exclaim between mouthfuls. "Thank you!"

Mom beams with pride. "You're welcome, dear."

"How's school going?" Dad asks.

"It's alright. I still haven't gotten my powers yet, but a kid in the school possesses the water element."

Mom's eyes widen. "Woah! Really?"

I nod my head. "Yeah, it's awesome that another person is an element. Is it rare for all four elements to be at the same school?"

"Yeah, it's infrequent. The occurrence of it happening again is one in a million, but it's not impossible. It doesn't mean it can't happen again." Mom explains.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention yesterday in the car that there's a breach in the force field that's keeping us safe."

"What? That's not good!" Mom starts to get angry.

"I know, but I told my friend Anna, and she went to the principal, so I guess we're all gonna meet in the gym to talk."

"If humans find out...." Dad starts.

"We're gonna be in trouble." Mom finishes the sentence.

"Sweetie, just... be careful," Dad says.

I nod my head. "I will."

Kids stare at me in hate when I get to school and head to my locker. I grab the books I need for the first period and detect Anna walking up to me from my peripheral vision.

"Hey, Terra!" Anna greets.

"Hey! What happened to those kids who were drowning, Kai?"

"They are suspended for a week, followed by detention. So I told Mr. Lewis about the breach, and he said we'll meet in the gym soon."

I nod my head. "Alright. I'm worried, especially about Kai now having his powers."

"It's okay, don't worry. Mr. Lewis will take care of everything, even if it means the students fight the hunters."

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