Chapter Eight

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A glimmer of familiarity and comfort breaks through the walls of my despair as I hear Alex's voice. I hastily wipe away the tears staining my face, attempting to compose myself before unlocking the door.

"Terra, it's me. Can you please open the door?" His voice resonates through the room, tinged with worry.

With a shaky hand, I turn the key and allow him to enter. He steps in cautiously, his eyes scanning my face as if searching for answers.

"Hey, are you okay?" His genuine concern washes over me, and I shake my head in response, unable to find the words to articulate the depth of my pain.

He moves closer, his presence providing a sense of solace. I walk over to the edge of the bed, exhaustion weighing heavily on my trembling form.

"No, I'm not," I admit, my voice carrying the weight of vulnerability.

Alex's eyes reflect a mixture of understanding and remorse. "Don't worry. I kicked her out after everything happened," he assures me, his tone filled with determination.

I sigh, a mix of relief and frustration intertwining within me. "That doesn't help much at all. She doesn't even know my brother. How did she find out that he died?"

Alex's gaze softens as he sits beside me, bridging the gap between us. "She's just trying to get to you," he explains, his voice laced with empathy.

A bitter smile tugs at the corners of my lips. "Well, it worked," I admit, the weight of Brittany's words still lingering within me.

"I'm sorry," he offers, his voice filled with sincerity and remorse.

A sense of gratitude washes over me as I realize that even in this turmoil, I have someone who genuinely cares. "It's okay, Alex. It's not your fault," I assure him, finding a glimmer of solace in his presence amidst the chaos of emotions.

"At least you have your powers now," Alex remarks, acknowledging my newfound abilities.

I let out a sigh, contemplating the events that occurred. "I threw rocks at her. It felt good to get back at her finally, but it didn't resolve anything. Talking about my brother is my weakness, and she already knew," I confess, the pain still raw within me.

Suddenly, another voice calls out, breaking the somber atmosphere. "Terra? Where are you?" The voice echoes from the stairs.

"We're in here," Alex responds, and within moments, Amber and Kai enter the room. Kai's face is etched with anxiety, his concern palpable.

"Hey, are you okay?" Kai inquires, genuine worry etching his voice.

I shake my head, the weight of the situation heavy upon me. "No, I can't believe she used my brother against me," I mutter, my voice laced with frustration and hurt.

Amber interrupts, a determined glint in her eyes. "You know what we need? Revenge. We need to make her feel the pain she's caused you. Every torment she's caused you, we can turn it back on her."

My curiosity piqued, and I raise an eyebrow. "How?" I ask, longing to reclaim my power in this situation.

Amber's smirk widens. "You've just gotten your powers, and there's a football game coming up. I have a plan," she declares, her voice laced with mischief.

A sense of anticipation builds within me as I entertain the idea. "That sounds like a good idea. They can't expel her because she has powers. Still, we can make sure she faces the consequences, detention, or even multiple suspensions," Anna chimes in as she joins the conversation, her determination mirroring Amber's.

A flicker of hope emerges within me as I realize I have a support system willing to stand up for me.

"Anna, aren't you still..." Alex begins, his voice trailing off.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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