Chapter Seven

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As the final bell dings, signaling the end of the school day, I patiently wait for my mom's arrival outside. A group of four students passes by, their gaze fixated on me, with one among them even resorting to taunting. Whispers exchanged between them elicit audible chuckles, lacking any semblance of subtlety.

"So, normie... are you going to the party tonight? I heard Alex invited a few normies," the girl sneers.

"Yes... I am," I respond, my tone devoid of enthusiasm.

The girls burst into laughter. "Really? Well, that's strange. I don't remember Alex ever inviting people like you to parties."

"People like me? What does that even mean?" I inquire, my curiosity tinged with a hint of irritation.

"Oh, never mind. You wouldn't understand; you're too dumb," one of the other girls retorts dismissively.

Rolling my eyes in exasperation, I decide it's best to walk away. I catch a glimpse of my mom's car pulling into the school driveway and quickly make my way toward it, securing my seat belt upon entering the vehicle.

"How was school today?" my mom asks, her voice filled with genuine concern.

"Boring, as always. I still haven't gotten powers, and the other kids are still making fun of me," I reply, disappointment evident in my voice.

"Aw, I'm sorry, honey," Mom sympathizes, her tone filled with warmth and understanding.

However, I attempt to brighten the mood by sharing some good news. "But you know what? Something actually made my day better. I got invited to a party."

Mom's eyes widen with excitement. "Oh my god, my baby is going to her first party!"

"Mooom!" I protest, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement. "Can I go, though?"

She sighs, carefully maneuvering the car out of the school's driveway. "I'll have to think about it. What time does the party start?"

"It's at eight," I respond, hoping to sway her decision.

Mom nods, deep in thought. "Alright, well... tomorrow you don't have school... I'll have to think about it more."

Upon arriving home, I quickly go upstairs to my room, intending to tackle my homework. Meanwhile, I can faintly hear Mom and Dad conversing downstairs. Though the words are indiscernible, I can sense their concern for me. About twenty minutes later, a gentle knock on my bedroom door startles me, and Mom enters with a thoughtful expression.

"Hey, sweetie. So your father and I had a discussion... and we've decided that you can go to the party on one condition: you have to finish your homework," Mom announces, her tone both firm and kind.

"Really? Oh my God, thank you!" The excitement begins to bubble within me.

She quickly adds a stern reminder, "Remember, if you don't complete your homework, you won't be attending the party. Is that clear?"

I nod, determined to fulfill my responsibilities. "I'm almost done, actually."

Mom then takes a moment to emphasize the importance of following rules at the party, given that it's my first one. "Listen, this is your first party, so I'm going to be very strict with the rules. If you get your powers at any point, call me first. Try to remain calm, and don't tell your friends."

She continues, addressing potential alcohol-related issues. "Alcohol is a serious matter at parties.  will ground you until you're twenty-five if you come home drunk if you come home drunk. Do not accept drinks from strangers, keep an eye on your drink at all times, and make sure to bring a water bottle with you."

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