Chapter Three

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As the school day draws closer, my mom arrives to pick me up. I let out a long, weary sigh as I step into the car, buckling my seat belt. Mom shoots me a peculiar glance before she starts driving.

"So... how was your first day?" Mom inquires, her voice filled with curiosity.

"Interesting, to say the least. The power went out due to kids who can absorb electricity, and then there were others whose eyes glowed as they restored the lights," I recount, still processing the unusual events.

"Do you like the school?" Mom probes further.

I nod, a hint of nostalgia creeping into my expression. "Yeah, I miss my old school and friends, though. And I wish Grayson was here."

"I know you do, sweetie, and I'm sorry. We had to move to protect you from the hunters," Mom explains, her tone tinged with a mix of concern and regret.

"But I don't even have my powers yet. How would I defend myself against them?" I question, my worry palpable.

Mom lets out a heavy sigh as we navigate down the long road leading to the main gate.

"Since you're still unaware of your abilities and don't know how to fight, I would have to face the hunters on your behalf. Fortunately, they haven't discovered our whereabouts... yet. But it's possible that they might soon," she reveals, her words laced with a mix of determination and apprehension.

"Then I hope I get my powers soon. I'm eager to discover which element I have," I express, a glimmer of anticipation in my voice.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. You will. It just takes some time," Mom reassures me.

"I've been alive for fourteen years already. How much more time do I have to wait?" I ponder aloud, a touch of frustration seeping into my words.

"I don't know, sweetie. I wish I had the answer," Mom admits, her voice tinged with sympathy.

I shift the topic slightly, seizing a moment of courage. "I know this is unrelated, but can I attend the lacrosse game at six tonight?"

"There are sports in a school full of kids with superpowers?" Mom questions, a mix of surprise and curiosity coloring her tone.

I chuckle, amused by the irony. "Yeah, apparently. They give a liquid drug that temporarily nullifies their powers during the games. So... can I go?"

"Of course, dear. Enjoy yourself," Mom grants, her voice laced with warmth and support.


Later in the day, after completing my homework, I prepare for the much-anticipated lacrosse game. Mom and I step out the door, making our way towards the school. As we approach, the parking lot brims with vehicles, and the radiant stadium lights illuminate the field, casting a captivating glow in the evening sky.

"I'll pick you up at nine. Have fun!" Mom announces as I step out of the car.

I offer a nod of acknowledgment before closing the car door and making my way toward the entrance, joining the long line of eager spectators. Amongst the bustling crowd, I see Alex standing near the gate, a welcoming smile spreading across his face as he waves in my direction.

Unable to resist the contagious joy, I respond with a beaming smile and a wave, eagerly approaching him. After purchasing a ticket, I find my way to Alex, my excitement palpable.

"Hey, I'm glad you came," Alex greets me, his smile radiating warmth.

"This is pretty cool. I might sound like a total bore, but I've actually never been to a sports game before," I admit, a touch of embarrassment coloring my words.

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