(The Legion) Frank Morrison x Reader

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Title: Committed
CW: foul language, violence, death
(Just a heads up, this chapter isn't heavy in the romance stuff, there's just a tiny, tiny bit of comfort/fluff between Frank and the protagonist)

The five of us are always waiting on opportunities to mess around with our bland home. We got Susie, and for a quiet girl, she's quite destructive. She loves breaking windows and vases—there's a lot of anger in her short figure. Then we have Joey—he follows the group like a guard dog. He's pretty ride or die, if I'm being honest. He rarely thinks before doing shit.

Then there's Julie, she's always willing to follow Frank, no matter the task. She's closer to him than anyone else, they're practically inseparable. Then, Frank... Yeah, I don't know what's going on in Frank's mind. I don't know how far he would go for our group, I just know that his limits are barely present. He has a short temper, and when mad, he's anything but collected and composed.

He kind of scares me sometimes, if I'm being truthful.

I follow the group's path, more than hesitant as I gaze at the ground. I glance at the knife Frank twists in his hand. It's a new blade—he said we should have protection of some sorts. Though, nobody's really attacked us yet, so I don't see the need for it. I think everyone's scared of us; they're not used to this type of stuff in Ormond.

And a bunch of kids, too? If we're already vandalizing the town and causing accidents and messes, who knows what we'll be up to later on? Even the cops seem to look away when we pass their cars. It's like they don't know how to properly handle this shit. Like they haven't been trained in the slightest to deal with a couple of ragamuffins.

I pull my hood over my head, stuffing my hands in my pockets as we walk. I focus on my steps as Julie converses with the two boys. Susie slows so she can hang back where I walk. "What's up?" she asks, a small bounce in her step.

"Not much." I shrug. "Just antsy."

"What for?"

"It's just...something about what we're doing," I say quietly, glancing at Frank. "I just got a bad feeling, I guess."

"You always have a bad feeling before we break into places." She laughs, nudging me.

"I know, it just feels different this time," I say, holding my stomach as it turns. "Joey's sure this place is gonna be empty?"

"He's one hundred percent positive." She nods. "He's the spy on the inside."

"We're here." Frank looks at us from over his shoulder.

I slow, staring at the hardware store. "What's the plan again...?" I ask quietly.

"Julie's going to grab some cash from the register. Everyone else, just steal shit," he says.

That's not much of a plan. I suck in a breath and pull my mask down. We break into the store with ease, stalking around the dark. I find the flashlights, catching the pack of batteries Susie throws over. I pop the batteries in and flip the switch, huffing as it doesn't work. I tap it against my palm a few times, relieved as it flickers to life. Cheap piece of junk.

I toss the others some flashlights, aiming mine down the aisle. "I'm gonna head down the paint section," I call out, walking with my light in hand. Despite Joey's insistence on this place being empty, I feel on edge, my stomach twisting into knots. I hold my breath at every turn, anxious. It always feels like someone's going to jump out from around the corner.

I aim my light at the cans of paint, squinting against the light that reflects and hits my eyes. I take the large can of f/c paint in both arms, lugging it back with my flashlight lodged between the can and my arm. I see the other beams of light in the distance, broken up by the aisles and objects between us. I hear something behind me, causing my footsteps to cease. I can hardly work my voice. "Huh? Hey, who's by me in the paint aisle?"

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