(The Huntress) Anna x The Legion x Reader (platonic)

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Title: Hunters
CW: foul language

I watch with rapt attention as Anna holds out five hatchets in one tightly curled fist, one for each of us. She's trying to teach us how to throw axes today. Knives are easy, but these hatchets are really goddamn heavy. They're easy enough to hold, but it's hard to get enough strength to throw them accurately and far.

Even Frank and Joey struggle, barely managing to launch them a few feet away. Anna sits back, watching with a bemused smile as though a mother bird watching her chicks attempt to fly. I look over at her, tilting my head with a scrunched up face. She understands my confusion and stands back up, approaching. She takes my hands, gaining the group's attention with a sharp whistle that cuts through the bitter air. She fixes my posture with a firm hand to my lower back, setting the axe so it's in a certain position with her other. "Hold like this," she commands, her accent heavier than the axes we wield.

She releases my hands, the axe instantly sinking an inch as I struggle to hold it up. She mimics swinging. I huff and swing my arms back, releasing when the axe is away. I feel my arms pop, the axe landing a few feet away from the target. The rest of the group doesn't look much better. Anna frowns, muttering something in Russian. She finds Michael Meyers, nodding to us. She gestures to the axes we fight to carry.

He sighs heavily. "Like this," he signs begrudgingly before taking the axe in one hand. He easily throws it, the axe sloppily knocking one of the targets over. Anna hisses, fixing the target with a great deal of fussing. "They aren't that strong, Anna," he silently signs, his hands moving in succession she hardly understands.

She grumbles, pacing about. Michael leaves with the roll of his eyes. "Take time..." she mumbles.

"Yeah, we have to start off simple," Susie speaks slowly.

"Like hunting," Frank chimes in, holding his knife out. Anna snatches the blade, shaking her head stubbornly. She points to the axes, firm in her resolve. I sigh, heaving the axe off the ground, my fingers curled right around the handle. The others do the same, grunting as we follow Anna into the snow. She shows us how to dart forwards, but it's way easier without the eight-pound axes weighing us down. Being used to lightweight weapons, an axe may as well weigh a ton.

But we'll try for Anna. I manage to jog with the weapon in hand, my arms trembling as I lift it above my head. I swing it down onto a log, relieved to release the weapon. The axe gets stuck in the thick wood, barely halfway lodged. I grip the handle, tugging. When it doesn't come loose, I put my foot down on the log and yank hard, but it still doesn't budge. Anna steps in again, plucking the hatchet out of the wood almost as though it were a knife in butter. She hands it to me, attempting a smile of encouragement.

I nod, quietly thanking her as I take the axe. After an hour of lifting the hatchets and throwing rocks, Frank tries, raising the axe up as he runs. He manages to gain the momentum to throw the axe. It flies through the air and into the tree ahead. He cheers, whooping obnoxiously and dancing about like an idiot.

Anna claps, humming in approval. She even does a small holler for us, pumping her fists in the air. Susie gets the courage to try, but her strength doesn't match Frank's. She manages to run, but she has to swing underhand for the axe to fly. It lands in the dirt, but she's happy she managed to throw it. Julie grips the axe and raises it up. Instead of throwing, she swings it down, right into a log. It nearly splits in half.

Anna smiles proudly, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. She shouts what I can only assume to be encouraging words. Joey manages to throw the axe, the heel landing in a tree and wedging itself deep into the wood. Finally, Anna scoops us up, laughing. She takes us inside, beaming like a proud mama bear. We enter her warm cabin, sitting by the fire as she nods to the box of toys. Susie goes to the couch instead, lying down with a yawn. Anna notices that we're tired and walks over. She sits on the couch, the five of us bundled by her.

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