(Ghostface) Danny Johnson x Reader

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Title: Wanna Play a Game?
CW: foul language, violence, gore, injury, death

I sit beside my friend, Sidney Prescott, while we play truth or dare. I wait for the typical kissing dare, which happens a moment later. Maybe I'd enjoy this game more if the dares weren't all about drinks, stripping, or kissing. I mean, dares are fun, don't get me wrong, but they get boring when they're all this similar. I guess I also wish Danny was here, maybe then I'd be interested in kissing someone.

Danny Johnson, my boyfriend of one year, couldn't make it tonight because he said he had a load of homework to finish. I let it slide because finals are coming up. And if I'm being honest, the main reason I'm throwing a party in the first place is to forget about all the stress I know I'm going to experience next week.

I'd try to make an effort to keep everyone calm so my parents don't murder me when they get back from their "business trip," but trying to keep a bunch of teenagers under control is a lost cause. It doesn't matter how popular I am, there's just no way to prevent the wrecked tables or the countless stains. I back away as a couple starts to leans onto me, busy in a dared make out.

"I'm gonna go refill my cup." I shake my empty red solo cup, smiling at Sidney as I stand up.

"Okay, try not to get too hammered." She says seriously before bursting into laughter.

"Yeah, right." I laugh quietly, leaving the small room.

"Hey, Y/n, I think I heard the phone ringing. Hope it's not your parents." Casey says.

"Doubt it, but I'll go check just in case." I smile, going up the quiet stairs. At least most people managed to listen to my 'no upstairs' rule. I hear a loud thumping come from my parents' room, not daring to even knock on the door. Gross.

The ringing comes from the phone beside the hallway mirror. I suck in a breath and answer. "Hello?"

The only noise coming from the other end is some kind of breathing. "Hello??" I ask again, wondering if someone decided to call so they could pull me away from the party. Oh god, they better not be making an even bigger mess..

"Is this the L/n household?" The other person finally speaks, voice distorted and deep.

"Who's asking?" I lean against a wall, arms crossed.

"Do you have a favorite scary movie?" The person asks.

"You didn't answer the question." I say.

"Answer mine first."

"F/s/m." I say. "Now, who is this?"

"Think of me as your friendly neighborhood ghostface." The voice says.

Ghostface? The name sounds familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it. "I meant your real name."

"Tell me yours, I'll tell you mine."

"Y/n." I say. "Now you have to say yours."

"Have you ever watched Halloween? That's a good movie."

"Why do you keep dodging the question?" I ask.

"I think the answers would only be rewarded with more questions."

"So this is a prank, right?" I ask.

"Oh no, definitely not." They say, snickering.

Okay, that's enough from me. I hang up the phone, rolling my eyes. Teenagers are so funny. I go back downstairs, my cup lost amongst the sea of other red cups. I grab a new one, filling it up with punch, which is sure to be spiked. I take a sip, wondering who called. I mean, they knew my last name and number. My stomach fills with unease.

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