The Runnaways

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Steve woke me up the next morning so Darry could change the bandages before he went to work.
Steve took me back to my house after to grab somethings that Steve didn't have at his. I threw my clothes, makeup and other things into a bag.
We laid in his bed most of the day.
Pony brought my the work I missed in class.
Didn't go to school the rest of the week I wanted to avoid questions about my neck. So I went to the DX for the day.

Steve you need to get back to work I said.
Yeah Steve stop flirting. Soda yelled.
I have homework and you have a job.
He gave me a pouty look. I kissed his cheek. now go.
He smiled one more.
I rolled my eyes I pressed my lips on his.
He placed his hand on my cheek.
That was meant for your forehead. I smiled.
Go. before soda yells at you.

Took you long enough Soda said.
You saw that? Steve asked.
How could I miss it.
I love her so damn much.
Soda smiled. I know

We left a little after Soda and Pony.
I waited in the car for him while he locked up.
He got in the car, turning on the ingestion.
It didn't take long for us to get back. we sat in the car for a moment.
I unbuttoned his dirty jean DX shirt.

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