Little black dress

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June 21st 1967 ( one year later.)
I slipped on my black dress and pulled my denim jacket over it. My hair in loose ringlets.
My makeup simple I could here Steve in our bedroom. I looked in the mirror focusing on my eyelashes.
Knock, knock Steve said as he entered the bathroom.
No don't look I'm not ready yet.
He covered his eyes with his hands.
Can I have comb? I handed it to him.
When can I see.
Give me like two me minutes.
I walked out of the bathroom to see Steve waiting for me dressed in a tie.
You look pretty wow yourself.
It's a special day.
We pulled up to the busy parking lot at the school. the whole gang greeted me as well a my parents.
It was nice to be done with school and the ceremony, it felt like it took forever but I was glad once it was done. I got more flowers that day then in a flower shop.
C'mon Lanie we have to go take care of something Steve said taking me by the willow tree.
He proposed to me just like he promised. I wore a diamond ring around my finger.
We rejoined the gang to tell them out news.

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