Beautiful People

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I batted my eyelashes opening them slowly. I focused on Steve's blue DX shirt. I move my head up to see Steve sleeping crap! Steve, Steve I whispered to wake him up. What? He said in a groggy voice
What time is it?
I don't know why?
Cause we fell asleep and my parents are going to want to know where the hell I am.
He realized the words that are coming out of my mouth. He got up and grabbed his car keys he took my hand rushing to the car. I raced up the porch steps as soon as we got there and burst open the door. I saw my mother standing in the kitchen putting away groceries. I could feel Steve standing behind me a few moments later.
Mom I am so sorry. I stood there waiting for her to yell at me or even cuss but she didn't she said it was not a big deal and asked if Steve and I are hanging out again today. How could we refuse spending more time together. we both cleaned up and hour before we hung out again. we walked in the park and swung on the swings for a while then we went to the store to grab a few things for dinner.
We went back to make dinner I placed the spaghetti on the table when we sat down to eat. I twirled it onto my fork Steve stared at me for a moment.
What? I asked.
You're just so beautiful.
Think I blushed a little thanks. It was not unusual he always told me I was beautiful. It's just been so long since I've heard those words come out of his mouth.
Are you still Evia?
No he answered.
I'm sorry what happened? I said taking a sip of water.
I don't know I just didn't like her I guess she felt the same about me.
Well I know if I were her I wouldn't let you go I couldn't you're an incredible guy Steve.
Thanks Lanie.
How about you, seeing anyone new?
No but I did see..... I stopped myself I didn't want to tell him, he didn't need another thing to worry about.
Nothing never mind.
Paul? He asked.
I could tell he knew that he was right.
Stay away from him.
Steve he's my ex trust me I don't want to be anywhere near him.
Paul wasn't a greaser or a soc he was just there I suppose.
Just don't do anything or go anywhere he could possibly be please.
Why I mean I don't plan on it but why?
He's a dangerous person Lanie he has been to jail.
Dally has been to jail.
Yeah but Dally please just stupid not dangerous.
What do you mean?
Paul killed his last girlfriend.
He beat her to death. Do you understand why I don't want you to....
Hell is for sure.
I have lost so many people in my life Lanie I don't want to lose you are my best friend since who the hell knows when.
I smiled.
After we finished dinner sat down on the couch like we did the night before. we talked mostly. His strong arms wrapped around me, my back on his chest. I missed doing this so much I made friends in Iowa been like this. I missed so much, it sucked I even miss a rumble the only type of fight the gang would allow me to be in.I guess I fell asleep because when I woke up the next morning I was next to Steve in his bed.

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