When she says baby

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I pulled out the covers that were tucked under the bed. sitting in the warmth of them.
She looks so different. I began, she use to look so innocent and sweet but now...
She looks so tired and lonely Steve said finishing the rest of the sentence.
I nodded as he climbed in beside me.
I wonder if soda will recognize her.
Oh he will, he could never forget her face even if he tried Lanie.
She's awfully brave to want to be in this town.
Yeah you are right.
If I every did that to you I would probably kill myself before that baby was even born.
He kissed my head.
I Wouldn't any one else's baby inside of me except yours. married or not.
He smiled. I hope that day comes soon.
Me too.
Once I turn 18.
That's only four months away you know.
That's four long months I have to wait.
I wanna marry you, I just don't have the money for a ring or a .....
I don't want any of that. I want the piece of paper that says we are legally together forever.
I'm happy with a ring from a Cracker Jack box as long as I can spend the rest of my life with you.
You need to finish school first.
Yeah I know.
Then we will get married.
The day you graduate I will propose, I promise.
Do you want a baby?
Boy or girl.
He turned on his side facing me. girl.
Yup and you are the first one I have told.
Not even soda?
Nope it was my secret, that I even want kids.
I think you will be an amazing father Steve with me or not.
Well I hope someday its with you.
It could be today.
Lanie, I can't do that to you.
But we both want it.
But I want you to finish school. Don't try to go to fast, Lanie you'll miss the biggest moments of your life. like prom or graduation.
I nodded.

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