Waiting for super-dope to pick me up in his arms

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Ugh Monday mornings are always awful especially when you have had an amazing weekend like I have had. I had to walk by myself because Pony wasn't feeling well and stayed home today and my car had to have its oil changed so I dropped it off because Steve offered to do it why he was at work. I heard Paul was returning to school today to take his last couple of classes and to take finals he should have graduated last year but the whole girlfriend thing. My dad go a call from the Oklahoma City city hall to redo the roads there they would have to go before I got back from school I convinced my mom to go because I told her I would be with Steve and not to worry that I would be okay.
After school I walked to the DX nothing unusual I always did that after and before school. I took the ally way between the old lumber store and the abandoned bakery it was quicker that way. I watched my feet kicking the stones in my way. the was of sunshine got bigger and bigger I was almost out I knocked into something I looked up to see Paul standing there.
Hello Alaina.
Hello Paul.
Where are we headed he back me up the brick wall building. he kept talking to me but I couldn't focus on processing it. I could smell the alcohol in every word he said. His eyes were so cold. he dug his nail gliding his rings to cut the side of my cheek.
Did that hurt "Princess"
I didn't respond I was so close to the DX I just needed Steve or Sodapop to hear me.
Answer me he yelled in my face.
But I didn't I just screamed god I hope that worked. it echoed off the walls.
your precious hero isn't coming to save you sweet heart. he grabbed my head and smashed it against the wall. I fell to the ground in pain. tears swept down my cheeks. Steve please were the only words I thought. I saw Paul reach in his pocket the light reflected a switchblade coming towards my neck. I felt a rage of pain in my neck, my eyes got heavy and everything went dark.

My neck was sore I opened my eyes as went to touch it.
Don't touch it Alaina. I looked up to see Darry carrying me. moved my hand away from it. I could hear yelling in the background.
He's okay I promise.
Darry opened the truck and laid me down in the back seat.
A few minutes later the door opened.
Steve! I smiled.
Hey gorgeous.
He sat in the back with me letting me use his lap as a pillow. I could hear Soda and Darry talking up front.
Darry carried my into the Curtis house and laid me on the dining room table Soda gave him cloth to wipe the blood from my neck.
I tried Steve I couldn't even control my tears they were like water coming from a leaky faucet.
He, hey it's okay he grabbed my hand and held it why Darry bandaged my neck. Soda helped me sit up.
Now I want you all to stay the night, Two-Bit that includes you Darry said
Im going to take the day off to care for You Lanie.
Steve you don't have to do that.
It fine I want to I'll just take another shift.
Are you sure?
Soda brought out blankets and pillows for Steve, Two-Bit and I.
I wrapped my legs around Steve's hips as he carried me to the couch. he pulled blankets over us, we laid just like we did those nights we spent together.
Does anyone need anything before I go to bed? Darry asked.
No I think we are good Two-Bit answers laying down on the floor.
Thanks Darry.
Anything for you Alaina.
Goodnight he said shutting off the lights.
Steve kissed my head.
God I wish I could have kissed him back but my neck could barely move.
I grasped his hand interlocking our fingers.

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