- Chapter Four -

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"You- huh?" Confused sputters flew out of your mouth at high speed, a grimace naturally falling into place on your face when your parents were mentioned. "You want me to go back? What? Did you hear about anything that happened?"

Alex sighed, "Yes, I know, you were demoted and everything and you hate mum and dad and vice versa and all that, but Y/N, I need you to come back, I can't do this on my own."

"Alex, what are you talking about, you were made for this job, I can't think of anybody else as committed to being good as much as you." Well except maybe Chan, but that was besides the point.

"That's the problem!" Alex exclaimed, throwing her hands up and slumping down in her seat. "I didn't think it was going to be easy, but I thought it was pretty straightforward, but it's not at all. Everything is so corrupt and backwards, Jesus, even mum and dad do sketchy stuff just to keep up their image."

Your eyebrows shot up. "I mean, I can't say I'm surprised," you admitted. You thought of Paimon, the way he abused his power to get what he wanted, Mammon who tricked and blackmailed people to get them under his control. He had done it to you yourself.

"You see, that's what I mean. I know all the necessary stuff, I know names and businesses, the rules and laws and all the boring stuff, but out of all of us, you're the one who knows your way around the sketchy stuff." Alex pointed out and you furrowed your brows.

"I don't know if that's a compliment or not." You muttered.

"Y/N please, I thought I could do this on my own, but these people are all fucked to high hell and I don't know what to do about it." She begged. You could clearly see how desperate she was. You did feel bad for her. You knew what it felt like to be at the mercy of your parents, how hard they were to be pleased. But still, you worked for the Criminal Justice Quarters now. Your parents had essentially fired you as their daughter, you weren't quite sure what Alex thought you could do.

"Alex, I love you I really do, and I have missed you a lot, but I don't know what you want me to do. Mum and dad have essentially made me powerless over there, they wouldn't let me come me back if I wanted to." The helpless look on her face at your response made you feel terrible. You felt like it was all you could do these days, disappoint people.

"I know, I know..." Alex sighed. "I just thought you would know what to do."

"I'm sorry." You apologised, feeling like a failure as an older sister. "But short of overthrowing the government entirely, I really don't have any ideas." You scoffed, expecting Alex to laugh, but you were met with silence. You looked up and did not like the look on her face.


"No Alex, we are not overthrowing the government." You shake your head immediately.

"Hey, listen to me, I reckon we could." She said. You looked over at Chan incredulously, but it was hard to gauge his reaction to the conversation. He knew firsthand what your relationship with your parents was like, but he also looked intrigued by your sister's antics.

"Alex, what the fuck, no, we cannot overthrow the government. I am the rejected daughter of a powerful family that has also nearly been illegally incriminated many times, there is no way that either of us would have the power to overthrow the government." You felt as if you were scolding her like she was a child again.

"Not on our own we can't, but we both have connections. You can work with all the little demons in the Criminal Justice Quarters, and I'm already basically in charge in in the Jurisdictive Quarters, if we do this smartly then I reckon we can make some real damage." She was excitedly clapping her hands in the backseat. An outsider might have thought you were simply talking about weekend plans from the way she was acting.

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