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Oh my god y'all it's finished, it's done and I'm kind of sad, I'm really gonna miss this series and the universe and all of it :'(

But at the same time I had SO much fun writing it and I had even more fun reading all of y'all's beautiful, wonderful hilarious comments like seriously, you guys are so amazing and I love you all so so much!!

Alas I have just started Uni and my new job so I am now a very busy woman, which unfortunately means I probably won't be able to write anything for quite a while so apologies for that.

Nonetheless, I really hope you all enjoyed this series as much as I enjoyed writing it - especially cause it's the first time I've done a sequel to a story and it was so much fun exploring and expanding on ideas.

But much love to you all, I hope you all have a wonderful day, week or year cause you're all amazing and you deserve it 🥰

- George

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