- Chapter Twenty -

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The second your sister had told you that Chan was conscious, you were once again sprinting down halls like a madman. You'd banged open the door, interrupting him halfway through a conversation with one of the nurses. In hindsight it might have been better to let the two of them finish the conversation which looked quite important, but you were so stupidly excited to see him up and alive again that between one blink and the next you were launching yourself onto the bed, crushing him in your arms.

The nurse tutted, slightly agitated that she had been interrupted, but she also quickly took her leave, and said she'd come back later. You wanted to thank her before she left, but you were already squeezing Chan's cheeks between your hands, shaking him - though not too hard, he'd only just woken up, you didn't want to do even more damage.

"You stupid, reckless idiot, I told you not to get hurt why the hell don't you listen to me!" You scolded him, though your mouth was pulled into a wide smile. "I was so scared!" You didn't think you could properly articulate the exact extent of which your fear reached. It was terrifying in of itself just show much you cared for Chan.

"I'm sorry!" Chan defended himself, his words mumbled by his squashed cheeks. He gently grabbed your hands and looped his fingers through yours. "I mean, I didn't exactly plan for it to happen."

"What did happen?" You asked, still not sure who it was that had caused such a terrible injury.

"I'm not even entirely sure," Chan responded, gazing down at his lower stomach, which was now bandaged, covering the remains of the wound. "I was with Alex, I was sure of it, but suddenly there were just so many demons, way too many to count, and I was trying my hardest to fend them off but there was no way I could have gotten out of there unscathed. You should thank your sister though, she came in like a guardian angel right after I got hurt, she killed like ten demons in twenty seconds it was pretty amazing. Turned Paimon into a pile of dust pretty much"

You scoffed at his nonchalant attitude in regards to nearly losing his life, but your chest did swell with pride for your sister. And not to mention the intense satisfaction of hearing how Paimon met his end. "Jesus Christ, I'm just glad you're okay now. I don't know what I would have done if you weren't."

"Well, let's not think about that, I'm fine now, and the war's over, and... we won? I actually have no idea what happened, nobody's told me yet, I just assumed that with the lack of fire and torture that we'd probably won." He explained, pursing his lips in doubt and confusion.

You laughed at him, body feeling light and warm. He was okay. He was okay, and normal, and safe. And the war was over and you had won, which meant you got to hang onto him. No longer did you have to force yourself through painful separations in attempts to keep him safe. Now you could be with him as you pleased and you needn't worry about things like that.

You slotted yourself into the bed beside him, drawing yourself close to his side. And bit by bit, you told him your side of the war, everything that happened with Mammon all the way up until the moment your sister had told you that he'd woken up. And because he was Chan, you didn't hesitate to tell him everything you felt when fighting Satan, and the ensuing fear you felt of yourself because of it.

"Well," Chan started, his tone of voice lowering, his words rounded with a softness that always brought you comfort, "That does indeed sound quite terrible, but at the end of it all, you were the one left standing. You had the strength and the courage to face yourself, flaws and all. Now I don't really know him, but I kind of figure Satan is the type of guy who wouldn't be able to do something like that. It's incredibly hard to look so deeply into ourselves, but it's in that looking and recognising that we all have our own shortcomings that allows us to come out on top. And you did. You didn't defeat just Satan, you defeated your own demons as well."

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