- Chapter Fifteen -

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The glass of your window was cool against your forehead. Every time you breathed too deeply a small circle of fog would appear on the glass, but your eyes were focused beyond the window. Your messed up yard was blanketed with the darkness of night, the only sound in the room were Chan's even breaths. Everything was so quiet.

Your house was now completely empty except for you and Chan. In your sisters house there were hundreds of people squashed into every crevice, trying to catch a wink of sleep in whatever space they could find, ready to pour through the portal in her house as soon as they were commanded. The same was happening in your brothers house and in Jisung's house. When morning came, they would all wake and head to war. You were given the exact numbers right before you were meant to go to bed. It was more than you thought it would have been. Heaps more. Instead of being thrilled that so many people were on your side, you couldn't seem to be anything other than sad.

People were going to die in just a few hours. A lot of people. And they were people under your order. You knew that they were heading into the war willingly, but you couldn't help feeling like you were murdering a bunch of people.

In the morning you were going to take Chan to your sister's house and leave him there while you ventured into Hell on your own. You were to go in before anyone else, head to Mammon's office and confirm that Minho was out of the way, and then you were going to head to Satan's office and kill Satan.

While that was happening, the rest of the building would be rushed with an army. After that there was no telling how things would go. If things went exactly how you wanted, then it would be over quickly and there would be little to no loss. And if things went how you really wanted, then for some reason Chan would suddenly be compelled to stay home and he would be completely safe. You knew that was a far stretch but you couldn't help hoping.

Still, you knew that neither of those options were likely to happen. This was war and you were going to have to cope with a large amount of loss. Didn't stop you from feeling sick to your stomach about what was about to happen.

Turning your head from the window you looked over at Chan's sleeping form. The thought of losing him still spiked you with ice cold fear, and now that fear might become a reality. You'd brought up the idea of him staying behind a few more times but he wasn't having a bite of it. It frustrated you how stubborn he was but you supposed you weren't any different. You knew he worried about you the same way you worried about him. And to be fair if you knew that he was throwing himself into danger while you sat back and watched, you would go crazy too. So as much as you hated it, you had to let him fight. But dear god there was going to be a second war if he walked out of there with even a scratch.

Chan twisted in bed for a few seconds, his arms reaching out on impulse, waking up when he couldn't find you. He sat up in bed, swivelling his head around and searching for you. It wasn't the first time you'd snuck out of bed when he was asleep, usually to go write something down, shuffle around plans or make a call. He smiled when he saw you, his groggy expression making your chest hurt with how much your heart swelled.

You pulled yourself from the cool window pane and crawled back into bed with him, letting him curl his arms around your waist and pulling you against him. It was always calming being in his arms but it was hard to find serenity in that moment.

"Can't sleep?" Chan mumbled, his voice still croaky as he tried to stay awake.

"I don't think I'm the only one that won't be able to fall asleep tonight." You wondered how your brother and sister were doing. You were terrified for them as well, but you at least knew they were strong enough to deal with this sort of thing.

"Tomorrow's a big day," Chan said. Though he was only half-awake, you could hear the darkness in his voice. There was no way not to be terrified of what was going to go happen when morning came. You suddenly found yourself envious of the Princes of Hell, they had no idea what was going to happen so at least they had the luxury of a peaceful night.

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