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Cedric Diggory was driving me absolutely insane without knowing it.

I'd sent him 5 letters during the summer break, none of which he wrote back to. I was counting on him to reply today.

My hands fiddled with the gold necklace hung around my neck, trying to get it up to my lips so I could open the solid gold heart locket. Lifting the chain gently to my face, I opened my mouth to whisper the two most important words in my life.

"Remember me."

With a click, the locket swung open and revealed the beauty inside, a gold engraving which spelled the words to open the charmed locket, and a dried rose petal. I smiled at the locket and clutched it tightly in my hand, closing it back up in the process.

Today was my birthday.

Cedric hadn't sent any owls. No candy, no letter, no necklace, no nothing. I knew that he knows clearly when my birthday is, as he came over to my house to celebrate it every year until this year. I tried to fight back a few tears as I stared at the sky from the porch, holding a letter from Fred and George Weasley in one hand and my necklace in the other. I hadn't opened the Weasleys' letter yet, so in order to take my mind off of Ced, that's exactly what I was going to do now.

Dearest darlingest Celine Timmsbloom,

Just the greeting already got a laugh out of me.

George reckoned it was your birthday, from memory, and mind you, I didn't believe him at all (Note from George: Surely it is!) but if it is, happiest of happy birthdays to you, Celene!  We would have sent you more toilet seat art, but mum took away our spare toilet lid before we could do anything with it, so Georgie here nicked you a bracelet from our mum. I'm starting to think George fancies you, but best keep that between us two. (Note from George: You do realize I'm writing this too?)  Anyways, enjoy the bracelet. We wouldn't know if girls liked that stuff, but if you do like it, write to George. He'll be all lovey-dovey for the next few weeks then. (Note from George: Will not.)

Signed, Fred and George, your favorite toilet artists and your bestest of friends

I chuckled at George's notes in the letter, which had been scribbled on over top of Fred's equally messily scribbled lines. I didn't realize that either of the Weasleys had been so fond of me, we'd only become the "bestest" of friends in the middle of the term last year, just after my late streak started. George Weasley "fancying" me was most definitely a joke between the twins, surely.

I shuffled out a bracelet from inside the envelope. It had a charm that marbled all four Hogwarts house colors, and the bracelet itself was made out of strong twine. It was absolutely beautiful, I hope George didn't get any trouble from his mother because I would definitely want to keep this bracelet. I reread the letter to make sure there was no "George got in trouble" or "Georgie here is in big trouble" before I wriggled the twine bracelet onto my wrist. It fit like a glove, to my satisfaction.

I waited, hopelessly patient, at the porch, just in case Cedric's letter or gift was coming. My gut told me to stay, but the back of my mind told me he'd forgotten my birthday and wasn't sending anything. I groaned in frustration and shut my eyes, until I heart a paper rustling. Or were those feathers?

I rubbed my eyes and opened them to see a large, brown owl with night black eyes.

In translation, Amos Diggory's owl.

I eagerly took the parcel from the large owl's beak. My hands were nearly ripping it open, but with extreme care, I managed to gently pry the top part of the envelope off and shook the contents out. Out came a small, velvety box, a letter, and a chocolate frog.

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