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"Um. Just so the two of you— one— both— well, you know, I know you're both 15, and um— just tell me what's happening here."

For a bit of context, mother came in to see her daughter, who was just crying a few minutes ago, now randomly kissing her best friend, who literally just came to her house, and who she hadn't talked to in months. Mum didn't hate Cedric, not one bit, but she sure was confused.

"Well.." I started off, looking sideways to face Ced, then back to look at my mother.

"I was crying about dad's lette-"

"She looked quite alone when I came in, Mrs. Timmsbloom-"

"So I was emotional, and he went to comfort me-"

"She apologized-"

"It was a very heat-of-the-moment situation, mind you, mum-"

Mum looked even more confused after the two of us rambled on at the same time. She shook her head, then pointed her finger at me. "You talk first, Celene, I can't understand either of you. Alright, so I walked in on you doing the least anger-inducing thing, but weren't you just crying?"

"I was. He came to comfort me."

Mother looked like she was trying to repress a smile, but cleared her throat instead and went on. Cedric probably caught notice and stifled a laugh, but I was left completely oblivious. "So, he comforted you? And then what?"

"I apologized for something I did. I wrote to him a month ago, saying I wanted to be friends—"

My mother started laughing her musical and sweet laugh, which I haven't heard in so long. Cedric, to my own surprise, laughed along. I looked back and forth between the two, askance and irritated. I stood up at once, but lost my balance since gravity apparently hates me, and nearly fell over at the worst time if it weren't for Cedric immediately catching my waist with his arm and helping me back up.

"I see what went on, Lene. Don't worry, I'm not cross with you at all, you're perfect for each other."

"Mum!" I complained. Why did she have to bring that up at the absolute worst moment possible? We haven't even established what that meant. Cedric, still holding me stable, was trying not to laugh his head off, clearly amused by what's happened and what's going to happen.

I sat back down as he withdrew his hand from my waist gently. He snickered at me as my mom continued asking questions about our unestablished relationship.

"Well, I'll leave you two now. Bye." My mother winked at me, to which I groaned and hid my face in Cedric's coat. He chuckled and waved goodbye to my mother. I kept my face buried, inhaling the sort of fresh scent his coat had. It smelled like candy and fresh grass, which was not usually a good combination but definitely shined through on his coat.

"Don't tell me I smell good, your mother's gone and you're still sniffing my coat there." I heard his voice from above me. Starting to become a clear and fresh tomato again, I took my head off of his shoulder and looked down at the wooden floor.

Deep breaths, Celene, deep breaths.

"So.." I mumbled.

"I— should we—" Cedric began, now looking down at the floor as well. My mum had been a distraction, but what was at hand was back. Something happened today and I don't know what to do about it. I was feeling a bit of pressure get to me, my hands fidgeting and my face heating up. Due to my discomfort, I shakily laughed, breaking the tense air. He looked at me curiously, as if I'd just done something that sparked interest at all.

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