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The last day of the Hogwarts School Year, July 1st.

It was the last day of school, a much rejoiced day. Every girl in the dorms were packing away their clothes and books, optimistic about what they were going to do over the summer vacation. My mom was finally home from her trip, meaning I would spend the summer home, taking care of her.

I was packing my gifts into another leather bag identical to my book bag when my fingers slipped over a white box, still pristine as if Christmas was yesterday. I opened the box and traced the shape of the velvet foam, but there was no jewelry inside of it. I looked down to see Cedric's Christmas gift, still around my neck as it had been since I received it.

Startled by the fact that I'd never removed it, I undid the clasp slowly from behind and held it in one hand, stopping to think about whether I really wanted it off my neck or not.

I must have been really fond of it because I clutched the thin, golden chain on either side and put it back on, hiding it behind the cloth of my shirt.

After all my clothes, gifts, and books were placed neatly inside my bags, I took my trunk and my 2 leather bags and hauled them out, only to be stopped by Hannah Abbott, who was holding a letter out for me.

"They wanted me to deliver this one personally." she whispered.

I took the letter saying thanks, and opened it without realizing the crowd of Hufflepuff girls surrounding me, trying to get a good look at the letter.

"I'll see you on the train. - An Admirer"

I could hear giggles and whispers beside me, but every sound seemed faint.

Was I finally about to meet this person?

I ignored the giggles and snickers behind me, folded the letter up and placed it in my pocket, and continued hauling my bags and my trunk out of the room.


"All aboard! Everyone board the Hogwarts express now! Going home to the Kings Cross Station!"

It was crowded, the whole station filled with buzz and excited whispers. I was overwhelmed by the noise, but my mind was focused on what was to come.

That is, who the "Admirer" was.

I went into my usual compartment (usually with Cedric) but to no surprise, it was empty. I sighed and rested my trunk down on the floor next to me, and my bags on the comfortable booth-like rows of seating, before sitting down myself.

Leaning to look out of the clear window, I watched the world pass by as I left Hogwarts to go back home to my mother and to our place by the forest.

I was left in quiet until Cedric came in and sat on the opposite end of the seating, facing the other side of the window, until he noticed me inside and moved closer to me reluctantly.



He opened his mouth as if he was about to say something, but ended up pressing his lips together instead before looking down.

I saw a slight smile, and I realized he was looking at the hint of gold around my neck.

"That's a Christmas gift if I've ever seen one." he whispered, repressing a snicker. I rolled my eyes.

"You'd know, it's yours."

"It's not the only one that's mine. Tell me, where's my other gift for you?" he said, tilting his head dramatically and looking up at me with a grin.

It took me a minute to let what he just said sink in, eyes widening at my realization. I took out the folded letter from inside my jacket pocket and unfolded the paper carefully.

"Was this you?" I asked, voice trembling.

I expected him to grab the letter with the motion he was making towards my hand, but instead, carefully encompassed my hands with his own and looked at me, straight in the eyes, which alone was enough to make a whole butterfly emporium in my own stomach.

"Yes." he said, voice even softer than a whisper, but just enough for me to hear.

Everything was falling into place all of a sudden, why he was talking to Hannah over the Christmas time, why he asked me about the candy I was eating. I was starting to see things more clearly.

I felt a tear rolling down my cheek.

Was I crying?

He laughed breathily, wiping the tear from my cheek with his thumb, causing me to flush red, which made him laugh even more.

"Wait.." I muttered, trying to figure something out.

Did he..

Surely that's what being an admirer meant..

"Hm?" he said, looking at me with a grin playing on his lips.

"Does that mean you.." I continued, struggling to compose my thoughts. The air was cold, my breath was shivering, my voice was cracking.

I was a mess, but a happy mess at that.

"Does that mean I what exactly?" he continued, the grin bright as ever on his facial features.

"Does that mean you..l— fuck, I can't do this." I said, fighting back another joyful tear rolling down my face. I got up to leave, but he grabbed my arm gently, as if pleading me to sit back down.

"Celene Ariadne Timmsbloom, you know you can tell me." he whispered, his voice gentle as the breeze outside the express. My eyes widened for a split second at the use of my full name, which he almost never addressed me by, that is, until now.

I inhaled deeply, pushing my tears back, before sitting back down on the velvety seating.

"Does that mean you fancy me?" I muttered, cringing at my sounding pathetically like a girl in a romantic novel featured on the prophet.

He chuckled awkwardly, but I could tell there was some nervous feeling behind the tone of his voice.

"Do you really want me to answer that? I reckon it'd be too much for you to handle." he said jokingly before turning to me, but his cheeky grin faded at my teary and serious face.

"I mean it, Ced. I would never know anyways if you don't tell me now." I whispered between joyful tears that I still didn't understand the reason for.

We were both silent for a bit, relaxing ourselves in the breeze coming from the windows.

Then he spoke.

"Yes, I do." he mumbled, barely allowing me to hear anything.

But I heard.

And I smiled to myself, wondering how and what I was supposed to do with this given knowledge. Was I meant to just dwell on it? Was I meant to start being with him more often? I haven't been in this situation before.

I didn't know what to do at all.

My heart was pounding, my head was spinning.

I was freaking out until...

"Hey, Lene?"


I turned around slowly to face him, but suddenly, his lips were on mine for a short, electrical second. It was much too quick, it was like a spark of light before dark.
After that he moved away, grinned, and walked out of the compartment.

What just happened?


"Electric... I remember, it was electric.."



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