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celene's pov

Dear Mrs. Timmsbloom,

Unfortunately to say, your husband, Mr. Timmsbloom was recently involved in a Romanian dragon attack, and was not able to make it through the treatment. His date of death was yesterday, August 12th. We bring our sincerest condolences and apologies for what has happened to your loved one. Please write back using the same address.

Sincerely, The Ministry Of Magic, Romanian Branch

I couldn't stop reading this letter. A new reread, a new tear. My mum had left to go write back to the Romanian Ministry, so I was left alone in my sorrows.


Ever since my sister died, that's all I felt. My father left for Romania to deal with some work issues at the Dragon Sanctuary. My mother became ill after her job at St. Mungo's as a nurse, and I was set to take care of her. My sister was always like the sweet side of everything. My dad being a Dragonologist, I'd seen so much in my life. I'd seen people get hurt through untamed and unfriendly creatures, and my sister was always comforting.

I could just hear her clear voice confronting the huge dragon, despite her being 17, just about to start her last year at Hogwarts, and me being 9, not even starting.

"Don't worry, Lene. Hey, scary dragon, neither of us are scared of you! Bugger off!"

I remember our dad's booming laugh as he firmly held the chains, the dragon set in its place. It roared and snarled, but my sister wasn't afraid. I shied away from the huge green beast, while she stood her ground. I remember nervous laughter, chuckles from the other Dragonologists behind us. I remember mum, healthy and strong, raising her wand jokingly at the dragon, brave as ever.

Then the day came.

I never wanted her to go. She was always working late at the Ministry and never had time to be the sweet side of this life I had to live.

"Celene, I'll see you tomorrow. Tell Mum I love her and tell Dad I'll see him soon. I'll survive. I promise you."

That was the last thing she said to me. A promise she could never keep.

And now, my dad was gone too. He taught me how to be strong, how to, like a dragon, take life by its reins no matter how strong it pushes back and do things how I want to do it. Another tear came rolling down my cheek.

The door swung open. My head remained down. I assumed it was my mother, until the voice at the door spoke.

"Celene? Celene—"

The voice was honeylike; deep and smooth. I recognized it at once. I thought after a month ago that I would never, ever hear this voice again. I thought I ruined everything between this voice and myself, I thought it was over.

I thought that I would never hear the voice of Cedric Diggory again.

I didn't return with a response, I simply sobbed even more. He ran to my side, propping himself down on his knees beside me. Instinctively, I leaned my head against his chest, letting myself let everything out at that moment. I felt his hand go through my hair, which was tangled and messy as I'd gone through a fit of rage beforehand.

"Can you tell me what's wrong?" He whispered, allowing me to take my time.

I sniffled, then brought myself to reply. "Father— he— he's - gone." The words hurt ever so badly to say, and I could barely stand to say it. In response, he lifted my chin to look up at his face.

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