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fast forward from last chapter, it was now around November, a month after.

"So, Ced, I was thinking we could hang up light-"

"What's this? Mr. Diggory and Mrs. Dig- I mean, Miss Timmsbloom?"

I looked around confused to see Fred and George Weasley from our year, but in Gryffindor, snickering at me and Cedric. Looking at my position, I realized I was way too close to him for comfort, and I was about to go completely berserk until Cedric awkwardly pulled me into a hug.

"I'm just giving her a hug, you two, er, nothing to see here." Cedric said.

Snorting, they both stumbled away, giving us weird glances as they walked back through the dimly lit hallway.

He kept the hug going for a bit longer than I expected, but as soon as he saw my oddly flushed expression, he stumbled away awkwardly.

"Thanks for that, those two Weasleys wouldn't have let me see the light of day if they'd suspected anything." I said with a chuckle.

"Let's just hope they don't start calling us Mister and Missus anytime soon." he laughed.

We were both in fits of giggles now, calling each other mister and missus as we walked through the nearly empty hallways, clutching our books.

It was a weekend, meaning everyone was at Hogsmeade buying new book covers or out to rot their teeth at Honeydukes, but Cedric and I volunteered to stay in and study instead of head out to the village.

In all honesty, empty Hogwarts was a cozy Hogwarts, a place I liked staying in. No crowded hallways, no one there to tease us, no one there to bump into us, just peace and quiet.

And Filch, sadly.

"Cedric— hey — Ced, can you help?"

We'd been studying in the common room for nearly half an hour, and once I got to my Potions essay, I immediately lost my train of thought and was in desperate need of answers since I hardly wrote anything down in Snape's class.

Cedric looked up from his paper with a smile, and scooted his chair over to beside mine.

"What's up?" he asked, with a voice like deep honey.

"Potions, I don't get anything at all."

He just laughed and took his own quill from on top of his paper. I glanced over to see that his paper was filled up with his own scribbles and groaned slightly underneath my breath.

He began explaining the Wit-Sharpening Potion, but I was less focused on his words and more focused on his hand unconsciously moving closer to mine on the table, and the way he looked while trying to explain the difficult topic.

I would probably fail about as much if I continued like this..

So, I snapped out of it and began writing air notes onto my paper as if I had actually listened the past few minutes. I was glancing at him occasionally and getting way too distracted for my own liking, but still, I was learning more than I had been when he started, so I would be fine.

Wait— friends, that's it. I wasn't supposed to be attracted to a friend.

Sure I could, but like— I just can't.

"Hello, er, Lene? Are you there?"

I brought myself back to reality from my thoughts when I noticed Cedric's hand waving in front of my face with a quill in it.

"Y-Yeah— sorry." I laughed nervously and got back to writing.

"Anyways, I was asking if you've got it?" He asked, eyebrow raising.

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