All But The Reason Why

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The rest of the week, Rooster Teeth was fighting. Some were on Gavin's side.  Telling Lindsay's side that she was being dramatic. Meanwhile they were telling Gavin's side that he knew better. Gavin wasn't even on his side. He felt bad for everything. Michael was just in the middle some even blamed him.

Barbra, Jack, Ray, Matt, Gus, and well... Most of them were on Lindsays. Ryan, Kerry, Joel, and a few others were on Gavins. Some didn't want to speak of the fight. Too much drama for everyone. It was like high school all over again.

Michael really had no one to talk to about this. Either they yelled at him, blamed him, or ranted on. He hated sleeping on the couch. Even waking up for work began to make him anxious. Gavin and him hadn't spoken since the kiss. It was too risky now.

Michael had just got to work with Lindsay. They didn't speak the whole time they were driving there. The reason was she took a different car. The girl left to on other section of the building with Ray. Michael went to the main room where Geoff and Jack were. As he opened the door he could hear them already arguing about Lindsay and Gavin. The curly hair boy sighed as the door softly shut. Gavin came walking through the hall way. Michael took a quick glance out of instinct but looked away as he saw who it was.

There was a sudden soft thud that hit the ground next to his shoe. The boy was caught off guard from the sound. He looked down to see folded up notebook paper. Michael turned his head in the way Gavin had went but, he wasn't in site. The male bent his knees in a couched position as he picked up the note. As he got up he looked around and began to move toward the bathroom.

Upon opening the door, he unfolded the note. It read:

Hey Michael. How long do you think this is going to last? I miss you boy. I hope this doesn't mean the end of Achievement Hunter and all. Maybe write back? Talk soon.

Michael exhaled crumbling the note and threw it in the waste basket. The boy was extremely getting angry. He hadn't had anyone to talk too. It was eating at him. He hadn't even talked to anyone in general really for that matter. The only person was Ryan and it was a simple hello.

A few hours later, the crew was all in the recording room. Gavin sat clear acrossed the room from Michael. The curly haired man peered at Gavin. He could hear him humming a slow tune but, couldn't quite make out what it was. Ray and the rest were getting ready for another Letsplay. Everyone began to get seated and get comfortable. Gavin still remained on the other side. It was going to be hard to act like nothing was going on. A few seconds later, Lindsay walked in. They were about to start but, they all looked up.

"Michael?" She said. As suprised as he was he looked up and smiled. Maybe it was over.

"Please get out of my chair."

The boys grin instantly dropped.


"We thought it would be better if we did this for awhile, Michael." Jack informed him.

Michael was in complete loss as to what was exactly going on. But, slowly got up slamming the chair into the desk.

"Take the fucking chair then, Bitch." Michael spat. She didn't seem phased by his choice of language. Lindsay simply sat down and put the headphones on.

"Ready you guys!?"

Geoff began to record.

"What's up guys! It's a new day and a new game!"

His voice began to get quieter as Michael walked out and away from the room. This was getting ridiculous!

The man instantly went down the stairs and opened the main doors out to the parking lot. It was really cold and was getting kinda late. Michael got into his car and turned the key to start the car then slumped over. He sat as the motor purred like a cat. It seemed as just yesterday everyone was best friends and now everyone hates everyone's guts. Mostly his and Gavin's. He didn't understand why Gavin was still in the Letsplay. Maybe she didn't hate Gavin. Maybe it was just him.

Instantly, Michael sat up. He stared ahead for a few moments before putting the car in reverse and drove away from his work, cranking up the stereo. He began to scream the lyrics, getting all his not society acceptable emotions out. He was even driving over the speed limit.

You may think he was going back to the house since he was technically kicked from work. But, no.

Michael showed up at Marks. He knew Mark would sit down and listen. I mean, besides that, Michael didn't really have a choice. He was about to blow up if he didn't rant. Being the angry boy he is on top of that!

The doorbell rang as he stood uncomfortably in the cold weather. Mark opened the door after a few seconds. And once again was suprised by Michael's arrival.

"What another pleasant surprise, Michael." Mark's smile was extremely warm.

Michael looked up at him and asked if he could come inside. Mark blankly looked at him before he nodded. It was obvious Michael wasn't happy.

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