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It had been two whole weeks since Amelia saw Harry

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It had been two whole weeks since Amelia saw Harry. He was busy and she was busy and they both knew that. Amelia hadn't really noticed Harry being gone though. She had met up with a few friends from the orphanage. She had grown up with her best friend named Lily. She was a fiery red head. She always looked out for Amelia and Amelia did the same. They both didn't wanna end up like a lot of other children in the orphanage who had fallen into drugs.

They spent the whole week together. They don't usually spend much time together due to Lily still living in Michigan. Lily did fly out to see Amelia every two months. Amelia actually told Lily about the cancer as soon as she found out. Lily then booked her ticket down to Los Angeles. The two best friend immediately hugged one another as soon as they saw each other.

Lily left right after she took Amelia to her second chemo treatment. The doctor said they were now experimenting on scalp cooling caps that prevent your hair from falling out which Amelia gladly accepted. The doctor warned her it may or may not be effective. Amelia still decided it was worth a chance. She now wore the cooling caps on her head each treatment which limits the chemo from getting to your scalp.

After the treatment Lily and Amelia had a tearful goodbye. Amelia told Lily to give Mikey who was Lily's boyfriend a big hug for her. Amelia refrained from talking about Harry as they were just friends and nothing more. Amelia watched as Lily's plane ascended into the air. She then traveled home in her Jeep.

She walked into her apartment being greeted by Teddy. She looked at the apartment and decided she needed to clean up. Lily and her had trashed the apartment. Amelia quickly threw all the trash away and then ran a sweeper through her apartment. She then made her bed as she loved having a clean apartment.

Amelia had only been able to complete one song in the past two weeks. Her money was being drained from the treatment. Thankfully the song was sold to Selena Gomez for a good chunk of money that Amelia could use.

Amelia sat on the couch a little dizzy from being on her feet for a while. She then heard her phone ding. She quickly grabbed it off the coffee table and looked at it. She smiled at the text she just received.

Harry: hey Millie I was wondering if you wanted to come over and hang out?

Amelia looked at the text for a minute. She went through her head of what she needed to do. She didn't have much to do besides walk Teddy. She quickly responded.

Amelia: Yeah sure I'll be over in an hourish

Harry: sounds good can't wait! 🙃

Amelia quickly jumped up off the couch and towards the shower. She hung up her towel. She washed her hair with cherry shampoo and body wash. She shaved her legs as well. She was excited to see none of her golden hair came out.

Amelia got out of the shower and looked in the mirror. She defiantly looked a bit skinner. Chemo had limited to what she could eat. If she were to eat a lot she would throw up. It limited her to just eating crackers and smaller meal portions. She examined her small freckles from the sun. Her body still looked great but she looked a little more sick. She quickly picked out a white crop top. She then looked through her drawer to find some mom jeans with small daisies all over them. She looked super cute.

She put on some light mascara. She looked in the mirror at her 5ft 3 self and stopped herself from dissecting every little thing about her body. She can't go back to that time when Jason did that. She then grabbed her keys and walked out her apartment door locking it quickly and then headed out towards her car. She always walked quickly to her car because her apartment parking lot was a bit scary at night.

She started her jeep and off she went towards Harry's house which was only a few minutes away. She quietly listened to music. She then pulled into the neighborhood of mansions. She pulled into Harry's drive and got out of her car and walked to the front door. She knocked lightly on the door and then waited for Harry to answer.

She then heard the door knob on the other side fiddle and Harry opened it. He gave the girl a big smile pulling her in for a hug. "Millie you look nice!" Harry said breathing in her cherry perfume that he loved. "Thanks Harry!" Amelia said walking into the house. Harry shut the door behind her. Amelia looked at the two men whom she had met before.

"You remember Mitch and Jeff right?" Harry asked and Amelia immediately walked up to them giving them hugs. "Of course I do I like them more then you Harold!" She said and the three men laughed. Harry then took Amelia and the two guys over towards the living room and they all sat down.

"Tell me what you've been up to!" Harry asked Amelia. "Well I sold a song to Selena Gomez a week ago, and my friend from Michigan, Lily, came in to see me!" Amelia said smiling at the thought of Lily. "I'm sure you talked about me the whole time!" Harry said with a laugh. "Actually you didn't get brought up once." Amelia said causing Mitch and Jeff to laugh hysterically.

"I'm a little hurt Millie" Harry said holding a hand over his heart. "Yeah well you don't talk about me to your friends!" Amelia said with a laugh. "Actually he does a lot" Mitch said and Harry darted his eyes at Mitch telling him to cut it off. "Yeah he really hasn't stopped talking about you for the past two weeks!" Jeff said adding on. Amelia laughed as she saw Harry's bright red face.

"Aww Harry you're such a little sweetheart!" Amelia said grabbing Harry's cheeks. "Stop! Stop!" Harry said getting out of his seat and disappearing into the kitchen. "He really won't stop talking about you though ever since he met you!" Mitch said and that then caused Amelia to have a tint of pink in her cheeks. Harry then came out of the kitchen holding two cases of beers.

He ripped the box open and tossed a beer towards Jeff and Mitch. He then offered one to Amelia and she rejected. "No I don't usually drink much!" Amelia said. "Oh come on Millie just one beer!" Harry said and Amelia reluctantly agreed grabbing a beer and opening it with her teeth. The three men looked at her in shock.

Amelia looked at the boys after taking swig and laughed. "I guess it's a secret talent of mine!" Amelia said laughing once again. "Do it to mine!" Harry said handing her his beer. She then opened his beer with her teeth easily. "Wow your one bell of a women!" Jeff said causing everyone to laugh.

Beers were drank. Harry ended up giving multiple toast each time not making much sense. Amelia always clapped at the toast telling him it's the best toast she had ever heard. Harry was now up and dancing. He grabbed Amelia and danced with her around the room the both of them laughing.

Harry dipped Amelia and ended up letting her fall to the ground. Harry also laid on the ground feeling bad for dropping the girl. "I'm sorry!" He practically screamed. The two laughed hysterically and cried.

"She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes
Hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect
And all the boys, they were saying they were into it
Such a pretty face, on a pretty neck" Amelia screamed. The three boys looked at her and she then started to spit out more lyrics.

"She's driving me crazy, but I'm into it, but I'm into it
I'm kind of into it
It's getting crazy, I think I'm losing it, I think I'm losing it
Oh, I think she said "I'm having your baby, it's none of your business"
"I'm having your baby, it's none of your business" (it's none of your, it' none of your)
"I'm having your baby, it's none of your business"
"I'm having your baby, it's none of your, it's none of your"

Amelia was now screaming the lyrics that had just popped into her head. The three boys danced around. "Your a lyrical genius Millie!" Harry screamed. "I guess I'm a better writer when I'm drunk!" Amelia said.

That ultimately led to the four going into the recording studio. Amelia wrote the lyrics quickly and Harry sung them. They each took swigs from their beers laughing as they wrote the song.

That's how kiwi was written.

Hi everyone! I hope you liked this chapter! Sorry if there are any mistakes! I hope everyone is staying Healthy and safe!

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