Champagne Problems

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"You promise me you'll call me as soon as you land?" Amelia grabbed Lily and hugged her tightly

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"You promise me you'll call me as soon as you land?" Amelia grabbed Lily and hugged her tightly. "Of course Amelia I love you so much!" Lily then pulled away and started to walk away. "I'll see you during your bachelorette party weekend, shit will get crazy!" She turned around for a minute and then walked towards the plane to board.

"I'm gonna miss her so much" Amelia told Harry who stood beside her. They both had hats and sunglasses on to not be caught by any paparazzi. Amelia couldn't help but feel sad. She felt tears well up and stream down her face. She quickly wiped them away. "You'll see her soon I promise" Harry said and Amelia sighed. "I just wish she could've stayed a little longer then a night" Amelia said sadly and then walked out of the airport with Harry. Harry then got into the drivers seat and started the car.

Amelia gazed at the beautiful diamond. She couldn't believe Harry had asked her to marry him. They still needed to tell Harry's mom and sister. "Do you wanna tell your mom and sister tonight?" Amelia asked and Harry smiled at the girl. "We can go out to eat with then tonight at the rooftop!" Harry said excitedly. Amelia loved Harry's sister Gemma and Harry's mom Anne. Amelia had told them about her cancer a little bit after getting to know them. Gemma and Amelia talked quite a bit on the phone and sometimes Anne would pop her head in to say hi. Thankfully his mom and sister were both in town.

Harry drove back to his place. Amelia rarely spent time at her apartment. Teddy permanently lived at Harry's house and basically so did Amelia. She had brought most of her clothes over and was gonna cancel her lease to her apartment and so she could completely move in with Harry. She loved Harry's house it was very beautiful.

The house was now littered with photos of the couple. There were a couple picture of Harry, Amelia and Harry's mother and sister as well. Amelia made sure that there was a photo of Lily and her. She jokingly put the photo in the bathroom which Lily died laughing at so every time you use the restroom you'll be looking at a photo of the two of them. Amelia shut the car door and walked to the entrance of the house. Harry was now on the phone with Gemma arranging plans for the night.

Amelia last treatment was a week ago. Usually she was partially recovered but lately she's felt like complete shit. She didn't know if it was just a bad reaction to this weeks dose of chemo or what. She was extremely relieved to see that her golden hair was still intact and had only lost a bit of its thickness. The cap that she wore each treatment had been working mostly. She did notice she lost a bit more hair then usual but it was nothing to be worried about.

She has been feeling very tired, she feels as though she has a fever, and her body aches. She hadn't told Harry what was going on due to him releasing the album in the next couple of weeks. He had told Amelia that he didn't feel the album was complete but he didn't know what it was missing. Amelia told him he would figure it out soon. Amelia walked up the stairs and towards the bedroom.

Cancer- Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now