Wildest Dreams

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"I don't know if it's there yet" Amelia said as she heard the playback of her voice through the microphone

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"I don't know if it's there yet" Amelia said as she heard the playback of her voice through the microphone. "Oh come on it's perfect Millie!" Harry said jumping up and turning the volume up. He danced to the song the girl had just recorded. It was the first time she had ever recorded a song by herself. "He's so tall and handsome as hell" Harry sang making the girl laugh. "You're a dork" Amelia said and Harry laughed and sat back down on the couch in the recording room.

"I like it personally" Jeff said and Mitch agreed. "It just seems like it's missing something!" Amelia said taking the headphones off and going through the door to see Harry and the two men. Mitch played the song again and listening to it. "I like it" Mitch said and then Amelia was hit with a idea. She quickly grabbed a microphone. She shushed the boys. She then walked over and kissed Harry. She then put the microphone to her chest and it captured her heartbeat. She then recorded the beat and edited it into the song. The beat continually played throughout the song. Amelia then got excited knowing the song sounded complete.

"You're brilliant!" Harry said standing up and kissing the girl. "I've never seen that done before" Jeff said with a smirk on his face. Amelia laughed and then sat on the couch. "Can you play the song all the way through?" She asked Mitch who hit play.

Amelia's heartbeat filled the silence in the room. Then the beat started to drop and the words started to fill the air. The three boys and Amelia listened to the song bouncing their heads. Amelia's voice was truly blessed. The song finished and everyone jumped up and screamed out of joy. "It's so good!" Jeff said and the four of them jumped in a circle. "Is this the first single?" Mitch asked and the three boys looked at the girl.

Amelia nodded smiling widely. They then all screamed out of joy. "I just need to call Sebastian!" Amelia said holding up her phone. "Oh geez good luck!" Harry said. Amelia then dialed Sebastian's number into her phone and hit the call button. She put the phone on speaker so the three boys could hear what Sebastian was saying. The ringing sound then came through and in a couple rings Sebastian picked up.

"Amelia, hi how are you?" Sebastian asked and Amelia quickly responded, "great Sebastian how are you?" Sebastian said he was alright and then asked her why she called him. The girl played the song for him and Sebastian stayed quiet. "I love it" he said and the Amelia smiled. "Thank you so much I was planning on it being my first single?" Amelia said and Sebastian agreed.

"Is it finished?" Sebastian asked and Amelia told him yes. "Let's put it out tomorrow then" Sebastian said and the girl was taken back by that. "Tomorrow?" Amelia asked questionably. "Yes, the label will have it put out on all streaming platforms at midnight, we will post about it and people will go listen and if they like it then it'll be spread around." Sebastian says and Amelia felt nervous.

"That sounds good thank you so much I'll send you the song right now!" Amelia said and the two said goodbye to one another. Harry immediately jumped up and hugged the girl. "You did it Millie!" He said excited. "This is gonna be amazing!" Mitch said also very excited. Amelia smiled at the boy and stayed quiet. She then sent the song over to Sebastian.

Mitch and Jeff left quickly after that and Amelia decided to go get into the shower. Harry had offered to join her but she said it'll be very quick. Harry quickly ordered a very nice dinner from Nancy's steakhouse and poured the two a glass of wine.

Amelia let the warm water run down her long thick blonde hair. She felt like she was having a panic attack. She was excited but she felt extremely nervous. She kept thinking how her life could completely change. She felt a overwhelming amount of stress pour through her. She worried if the song actually did do well and then everyone found out she had cancer. She worried about people finding out her and Harry are officially dating and them saying she is only successful because of him.

She then felt dizzy and sat down in the shower. She let the water drip down her face. She felt extremely lightheaded. She felt as though if she were to stand again she would faint. She felt like she was gonna throw up. She quickly huddled into a ball and started to cry. She then quickly opened the shower and grabbed her phone.

She pressed Lily's contact. She had told Lily about Sebastian and Lily was extremely excited for her. Amelia's phone rang and then she heard Lily pick up.

"What's up bitch!" Lily said happily through the phone. "Lil I think I'm having a panic attack" Amelia said and Lily immediately changed her attitude. "What's wrong honey?" Lily asked nervously. Amelia told her about the song coming out at midnight and all of her worries of her life changing.

Lily talked to the girl for five minutes helping her calm down. She told her reassuring things and took deep breaths with her. Lily had always been there for Amelia and Amelia had always been there for Lily. Lily was there the night everything went down with Nate.

Amelia was there when Lily got drugged at a party and a man tried to take advantage of her. Amelia was the one who punched the guy and got him arrested.

The two had been through hell and back together. Amelia then felt okay enough to hang up the phone. She then turned off the shower and grabbed her towel. She dried herself off and then quickly threw on some sweatpants and a hoodie.

She then walked down the steps to the kitchen. There was Harry sitting there with a candle lit dinner. There was steak and potatoes on the plate across from him. Amelia felt a little emotional at the boys gesture. She walked to him and hugged him.

"Thank you Harry" she said and Harry rubbed her back and then pushed her chair out for her. The girl sat down and took a swig of her wine. "I just want to say how proud I am of you" Harry said cutting up his steak. "I'm really proud of you too Harry, the album was a masterpiece" Amelia said taking a small bite of her steak. She had loss a lot of appetite through her treatment and Harry knew that.

Amelia then felt herself become weak. She felt lightheaded. She felt like she was gonna throw up. The girl quickly sits up and sprints towards the bathroom. She shuts the door and starts to throw up the meat she just ate. She feels the door open and Harry walks in and holds the girls hair back. She then throws up even more.

She wipes her mouth as she finishes and sits back down with her head in her hands. "You alright?" Harry asked sitting next to her. "I feel like shit" Amelia admitted putting her head on Harry. "Ordering the steak was stupid ideas I should've been a little smarter" Harry said putting his arm around the girl.

"No Harry that was really sweet of you" Amelia says leaning into the boys arm. Harry kisses the top of her head and sighs. "I appreciate you Harry, there is a very fine line between love and patience" Amelia says and slowly starts to stand. She is then given a glass of water by Harry. She takes a couple of swigs from it.

Hey guys!!!!!!

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How do you think her song is gonna go? Do you think her and Harry will break up? If so how?

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