You and I + Fine Line

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December 12th 2019

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December 12th 2019

"Harry this is really happening!" Amelia laughed as she put her pearl earrings in. Harry laughed and quickly put on his suit jacket. "I'm nervous" Harry said and Amelia walked over towards him. "Stop" she quickly stated and put on her engagement ring. She kissed him softly and hugged him. "I'm so proud of you Harry!" She said causing the man to hug her harder. "Thank you" he said softly.

"Damn this is such a birthday present" Amelia said and Harry laughed. "I wanted the album release day to be on a special day and the thirteenth of December just made sense" he kissed the girl again.

Amelia had been going to the doctor to get checked everyday. Every time she got checked the doctor had told she looked better and better. Amelia had been observing herself a lot more recently and smiled as she saw that she looked less sick and more lively. She hadn't realized she was slowly having the life sucked out of her. She was currently getting ready for Harry's release of his album. Amelia and Harry had written lots of it together. Amelia had nothing to do with watermelon sugar and was slightly shocked learning about the meaning of it.

She put on her dress and did her makeup. She had made sure to sweep the whole house and dust everything. Amelia eventually made Harry help her zip of her dress. She then walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Teddy pranced softly by her feet. Amelia picked her dog up and walked towards the food making sure the caterers had gotten everything right. She looked at the assortment. There was tons of foods and tons of alcohol and pop. There was champagne in the corner in ice to celebrate when the album came out at midnight.

Amelia then heard the door bell ring and she quickly went to let the first guest inside the house. The house slowly started to fill up. Many people were there celebrating Harry's achievement. Amelia had made sure to memorize every single name so she wouldn't make a fool of herself. She talked to many of the guest. They all congratulated the girl on recovering and beating cancer. She felt a tad uncomfortable that everyone knew. Amelia had gotten out of the hospital and decided that it was time for her to share with the people. People knew she was sick but they didn't know for sure. Amelia shrugged off the people. This night wasn't about her it was about Harry and the masterpiece he had created.

Amelia took a quick shot and went to find Harry. Many people told the girl hi and she sweetly answered with a small hi back. She finally found Harry who was talking to one of his friends. "You alright honey?" He asked. He knew how Amelia got in these types of settings. "I'm fine!" She said and Harry kissed her cheek. The boy had been celebrating as the girl could smell the alcohol on his breath.

Twelve came around rather quickly. The countdown was loud and then the album played loudly around the party. Amelia immediately kissed him once the clock struck twelve. He twirled the girl around and said a quick happy birthday.


February 1st

Cancer- Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now