It's alright

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Amelia lay in a hospital bed

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Amelia lay in a hospital bed. Her whole body looked blue. She almost didn't look human. She had tons and tons of machines all hooked up to her. Her breathing was finally stabilized after a long night of her going in and out. She had completely become unresponsive and the was in a comma. The doctors had run a couple of test and concluded that the girl had developed a lung infection and had left it go untreated. Her lung was about to collapse causing her to faint and hit her head on the hard tile of the bathroom floor giving her a concussion.

Harry sat in the room listening to her machines. They beeped and Harry was barely keeping it together. He watched as the love of his life was fighting for her life. All he wanted to do was for the girl to get better and to be free of this demon. He wanted her to be able to live a long amazing life with him. He had already planned it completely in his head. They would have as many kids as the girl wanted. They would move to a small cottage on the beach. Harry would teach their kids how to bake and fish. They would have a bonfire on the beach every Saturday. Millie would teach them how to play the piano and every morning Harry and Millie would take Teddy on a walk on the beach if it was raining then the two would cuddle in a blanket just the two of them and talk about how much they loved one another.

Harry had been thinking a lot about his future with Amelia. He had thought that all of that would happen after he finished his album and Millie finished hers. They would be a success and everybody wanted to be them because they were happy and they loved each other. Harry saw all of that slowly disappearing when the doctor told him that she was being prepped for surgery.

One of the nurses interrupted Harry's thoughts as she burst through the door. "We are taking her to surgery right now we don't know how long it will take but we will try our best to make sure this infection doesn't affect her terminally" the nurse said and Harry only nodded. The nurse rolled the girls unconscious body out into the hallway. He looked at her one last time before they sent her into the emergency surgery room.

Harry bit his nails not sure what to do. He quickly took out his phone and dialed Mitch's number. "Hello" a groggy voice picked up. It was almost three in the morning. "Mitch it's Millie she's in surgery and I'm freaking out I might lose her" Harry said and tears started to pour down his face. "Oh my God Harry what hospital are you at I'm coming right now!" Mitch said and Harry quickly told him the name of the hospital where they were staying. "Alright I'll tell Jeff you make sure you tell Lily, Gemma, and Anne." Mitch said quickly. "Okay" Harry said and he heard Mitch rushing on the other side of the phone.

"One more thing Mitch" Harry quickly said before Mitch hung up. "What is it Harry?" Mitch asked. "Teddy is home right now and Millie loves that dog more then anything can you take him for a while just until everything turns alright?" Mitch didn't say anything for a second. "Of course Harry" Mitch said and then hung up the phone.

Harry was almost dreading calling his family and Lily. He knew he probably had to call Lily first. Knowing her she would get a flight here as fast as she could even though she just left that morning. Harry clicked on the girls contact. "Hello?" Lily asked groggily. It was almost the morning in Michigan. "Lily it's Harry, Millie is in an emergency surgery right now!" Harry said quickly not really knowing how to break the news to the girl. "What hospital are you at?" Lily asked and Harry responded with the hospital name. "I'm on my way" she said and hung up. Harry was right she did immediately book a flight and rush to the girl.

Lily knew that Amelia would do the same for her if she were in the situation. They weren't just best friends they were sisters. They had been through hell together and so they shared a bond that no one would ever understand. Harry also called his mom and sister who offered their support and talked to him to calm him down. They were both just boarding a plane for London.

Harry sat there crying quietly. The events of him finding the girl replayed in his mind over and over again.


As Amelia showered Harry left the bathroom to get changed. He took off his clothes and stripped down into his briefs. He then put on some sweatpants and then walked down the stairs into the kitchen. He carefully took out two mugs one for him and one for his Sunflower. He brewed some hot chocolate for the both of them. He made sure to put the hot drink in the mugs that Millie had specifically got for the both of them.

She had gotten Harry a mug and had it monogrammed with the words treat people with kindness. Millie knew that he loved that saying and had been saying to for a while now. He then reached over to Millie's mug which had a ton of tiny cherries all over it. He carefully poured the hot drink into the mugs and then walked up the stairs.

He opened the bedroom door expecting to find Millie in bed already due to her being tired from the long day she had, instead he still heard the shower water running. 'Was she waiting for me?' He thought. He slowly walked towards the bathroom door and knocked lightly waiting for Millie to respond to him. He didn't hear anything and then slowly opened the door.

"Millie?" He asked and then walked towards the shower and opening the shower curtain to find the unconscious girl on the girl. He began to panic and quickly ran to her side and turning the water off. He immediately checked for a pulse and then found a faint one. He grabbed his phone typing in 911.

"911 what's your emergency?"


Harry waited for hours. Mitch and Jeff sat by him for the time. They tried to comfort the boy but he felt so utterly useless and depressed. The surgery for the girl was hopefully gonna be over any minute and Harry would get good news.

The headlines were all over.

Amelia Dillon sent to the hospital tonight.

Harry Styles clings onto girlfriends hand as she's wheeled away by paramedics.

What has Amelia been hiding from us?

Are Harry Styles and Amelia Dillon engaged?

Why Fans love Amelia and Harry together.

Hope you liked this chapter! Please comment and vote so I know! Thank you so much for 3k reads that's crazy! 🍒❤️🌻

I'm so excited for the Grammys and I will be writing a Grammys chapter I just need to know what happens! I'll see you soon...

Guessing this book will have 20-30 chapters in it.

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