A Payment On The Lips

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"Feel free to use kisses to shut me up anytime."

                           - Anonymous

It was to Theo's luck that the limo came to a halt in front of a sumptuous mall.

Theo didn't spare another second as he slipped his arms under her and effortlessly lifted her as soon as the door soared up.

With her in his arms like a weightless ragdoll, he rushed to the entrance of the mall in which six guards opened the doors for him. "I'm sorry, love. I'm so so sorry," he apologized profusely to Athena who was cleaning the dirt in her nails with the hem of his somewhat wet turtleneck.

It must have been one of his maids who dry-cleaned his car just the night before who placed the scented oils there when he had taken them away already.

"Can you like put me down now? Where are you taking me anyway, you kidnapper?" She played with a few undried curls that hung above Theo's eyes as she swayed her legs in the air with an arm tugged around Theo's neck, slightly pulling the fabric of his turtleneck, confining his throat all the more." Actually, don't put me down, this is quite fun." She shook her legs more, causing her weight to double.

Theo set her down on a red couch at the lounge of the mall, a few feet away from the entrance; this made her scowl at him.

Athena folded her arms, lips protuberant as she looked at him discontentedly through the hood of her eyelids. "Why did you put me down when I clearly told you not to?"

Theo went down on one knee before her, grasping her creamy hands into his, shaking them slightly as if the gesture could help wake his girl within. "Listen love, you have to do exactly what I say, yes?"

Athena's eyes slimmed almost into a straight line. "And I should do what you say just because you resemble a daddy dom I fantasise so much about?"

Theo's eyebrows raised inquisitively, his mind a surging perplexity; it was a first where someone would say that about him. He didn't like to exude those sort of vibes— an unfitting image of him, he would say. But, if it was the only way to tame her, so be it. "Yes, exactly."

Athena bit her lip, crossing her legs while her hands were on both side of her, palms caressing the soft cushion of the couch as she leaned closer to him. "Hmm... Would I get a reward if I say yes?"

Theo smiled, not a trace of irritation towards her fatuous responses. He actually enjoyed this side of her from the beginning; it made him think of his needy sister when she was much younger. He was too familiar with dealing with this sort of situation. "No, you don't have to say yes. Only by doing as I say, three rewards will be proffered. How about that?"

Athena's smirk were gone from her face. Theo had caught her ruse. She rolled her eyes, leaning back onto the couch so harshly that she bounced, crossing her arms again. "Three? You think you are a genie? Make it four and I will consider."

"No need to contemplate. I will give you only three. Take it or leave it," he said in a ludic but also firm tone. With his smile still intact, he lightly placed his chin on her lap as he watched her uncomfortably move her eyes from places to places, deciding if it was an offer that could satisfy her." Fine!" She spat in Theo's face. "Only if you name the reward first."

Theo went for her hand, making her folded arms to loosen as he let his fingers interlock with hers, suggesting for more intimacy— just the way he love it when he's with a lover. "But where's the fun in that?"

"You're so manipulative!" She pushed his hand away roughly, eyes peering at him like he was a piece of rusted can ring that was tossed at the side of the street. "And who gave you the permission to touch me?"

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