Reminiscing Begins

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At Lust— the infamous nightclub.

Rampant furious fire hugged Xerus' figure in a murderous embrace. He swallowed his juice but the delectable liquid only dwelled in his chest, causing a nauseous sensation to grow in his stomach.

He was certain this orange juice wasn't drugged or anything. Nobody would dare.

His eyes flickered when he realized Derek was multiplying by the second. "Hey Xerus, you okay?" Derek asked with qualms. "You don't look good." He rushed to him, discovering a burning forehead.

"Shit, you're burning up! What happen to ya? You were like a drunk monkey just seconds ago."

Xerus pushed him off. "I'm fine! Don't touch me. There's just something off about today. It's not-" Xerus held his tongue when awful noisy giggles flowed into the lounge.

Felix was in front of the bunch, seeming like he witnessed the event, he paced quickly to his gang, leaving his temporary companions behind.

"What happened?" Mostly pointing to Derek than the pale faced Xerus. Derek shrugged, giving him an 'absolutely no idea' look.

Xerus' elbows were stabilised by his knees, his head in both hands, his trembling fingers tugged roughly at his raven hair, causing pulsate to come through his brains.

"Do you guys get the feeling off wanting to jump off the building today? Or... an uneasy feeling bugging at your heart?"

They stared at him eye wide. "Uhh..." Felix dragged, leaning to Derek awkwardly, "Do you? I don't know if the mindblowing sex has cleared them for me but..."

Xerus' hands slammed to his knees. "Take it fucking seriously guys! My head is splitting! Maybe it's the new shampoo I used today. No maybe it's this cologne." His head shot up. "It must be the supplement I ate today and I'm getting a heart attack now," he framed everything proximate as he stood up then sunk back to the sofa.

"If not, it must be this place then! This terrible place!"

Felix brought up. "But you just said you were impressed wit-"

"Shut up!" Xerus beat him.

"Hoii!" Three of them turned to the boys in the corner partying away, a little too loudly.

Derek's lips were pressed into a narrow line, beckoning Felix to stride over and smack their puny heads. Can't they notice a boa constrictor is about to emerge? Derek thought.

Felix shook his head, scolding Derek with his eyes. As if, he would. Why shouldn't he have the honor instead?

That was the moment Derek spotted a familiar face next to the two brats who caught their attention moments ago. "Hey, isn't that the King's famous son?"

"Indeed," Felix checked, "What's he doing here?"

"You're asking the obvious, he chose the wrong place to ignite a party tonight."

Ace could have sworn steams broke through his ears. Where the hell is she?

He checked his watch.


Now, hot steams were also coming out of his nose. She couldn't have ran into an accident, right?

Bad, real traumatising, dire scenarios flashed passed his eyes. He shook his head. No, she should be fine. She has a cellphone goddammit. She would call if anything wrong were to occur.

For now, he could only stall the fervent mood in this hungry and bored teenagers. He walked over to the stereo to change into a rock music. Surely, this could help tap in the urges of his friends to party.

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