Seven Minutes In Heaven

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"Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax."

                         - Anonymous

It was afternoon— the peak of time where the Sun shine unrelentlessly.

So how was it so gloomy, dark and grim at Xerus' deluxe dining hall?

Athena could have answered that in seconds.

Every soul that she wasn't fond of was here with her in the same room.

Derek, was keeping himself busy by swirling the wine in his glass for the past few minutes while Ricardo maintained a blank look, but with so much sweat running down his face, everyone could tell just how hard he was pinching Felix under the round ruby table to stop him from playing with the girls.

Felix would listen but resumed his childish behaviours after a couple of seconds.

And, the seven women— oh, the seven women were why the table looked smaller than when Athena first saw it, and they were also the bloody reason why her shoulders were pressed up against Xerus'.

She looked to the other side. Her right shoulder was fiercely touching one of the girls' upper arm as well. She had zero space to avoid feeling Xerus' warmth.

The only member she desired to see had failed to attend.

Xerus was always authentic  when it comes to gatherings like this; he was the loudest, most fun and he made sure he appeared as the powerhouse.

However, one person was standing in his way again. Why is she always ruining things for me?

His head was facing in a direction where Athena didn't exist, his eyes never relinquished on the mission to find solutions to get rid of her.

The episode that happened just some time ago played on a loop in his head. If he had just pushed her out of the door and told them all that this carousing is cancelled, it would've been much easier of course, but what would Derek and the others had to say then?

Surely, they'd know something was up and it would be over Xerus' dead body before any of them could know of the pills.

For that, he must— Xerus squinted his eyes tightly, pulling the ends of his trenchcoat into his angry fist when Athena shifted a little, causing her thighs to rub against his— he must endure this.

Why in the fucking hell she had to be late to the table and take the last seat next to me?!

The other girls would be more than happy to claim a place next to him if it wasn't for Xerus' rule of not allowing anyone other than the ones he recognized to be seated beside him.

It was unfortunate that Athena was oblivious to the rule, and it was even more unfortunate when Athena didn't break that rule— Xerus knew her better than she knew herself.

"Can we just fucking start?" Xerus demanded, nudging off Athena's shoulder vigorously. "Where are the damn maids? When I don't need them, they are sickeningly always in my face and when I do, they just poof!" He threw a hand in the air.

"Calm down, Xerus. They are still preparing the lottery draw box, I guess," Derek explained, leaning his head on his palm.

Xerus ignored him, furious eyes searching for the maids. "Maybe I should start cutting papers and create my own lucky draw box! It will be so much faster than all of you combined!" He yelled for the maids to hear. "How long do you expect us to wait!"

Derek spilled a little of the wine over his lap. When they said Xerus was the loudest during gatherings, they were more than accurate.

Around twenty maids immediately scurried around from every direction, making it clear to Athena they were all rather new.

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