Sex Buster

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"In life, we must always find out things straight from the horse's mouth and not listen to the jackass spreading the gossip."

                             - Anonymous

Athena had only two things in mind.

First, she had learnt something that day, not even the prestigious school would make an effort to pay for thicker walls.

Second, Ace was completely wrong.

She wasn't alone missing the assembly. Someone was kind enough to accompany her.

It made her feel somewhat better if the teachers were to cut her merit points, at least she wasn't going down all by herself, but what really sickened her at that moment was the once soft, sensual moans were abruptly growing into loud, fast ones.

Even a newborn would have known what on the bloody Earth were they up to.

She sighed. Does the teachers even know that horny students were privately having fun on their desks?

Oh, right. It's A-list. Students are allowed to do whatever they wanted, duh.

She rolled her eyes, shaking her head and was about to walk away when her ears caught the pleasured cries of the woman again. "Oh, right there. Xerus, you're doing it so good."

Athena's spine froze, so did her feet. It firmly glued to the ground, adamant to move, and all she could think about was the name the woman just called out.

Was it a match with one of the Thieves' name?

Was it the person Ace had just warned her a while ago?

Was it the pure nemesis of her virginity?

She couldn't entirely tell. For a straight A student, she certainly didn't inherit her mother's eidetic memory.

She was confident it was Xavier. But, perhaps it was Xander? Or it might be Xerxes?

That was as far as it could go before she stopped herself, knowing she was getting further.

Her heart and mind was battling through a series of onslaught. To walk away or to take an evidence, to show the world their true colors if the one in the room is really who she expected it to be.

If it wasn't, well... mayhap a delete button was all she needed. As long as no one gets near her cellphone, it would be unknown to the world.

On the other hand, if the person was in fact the X guy, it would be no different than her winning the jackpot.

She will have her revenge and every man jack would know their wickedness.

A bright idea indeed, she confirmed.

And so, a resolution was made.

She tip-toed into the airy office. The light was out, so dark and cavernous, it even stole her own form let alone spotting the indecent two.

The only thing that validated her that she was on the right path was the full-throated pleasured mewls the woman was emitting.

She could now hear vividly the continuous skin slapping from the distance. Her eyes couldn't help but cruised in disdain.

Despite being a full ass virgin, she was anything but a prude. She didn't get aroused nor was she curious... yes sure, curious about how the news will blow up when she leak the almighty proof.

She was now a few steps in, she did everything in her power to insinuate her way closer to them in silent.

Hop, jump, split, cartwheel, she executed it all for the sake of avoiding the small cupboards and tables that seemed to be in every nook, intentionally wanting her to fall flat.

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