isac 2018 - chuseok special (part 1)

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A/N: I love ISAC so I thought it was necessary to write about it! This is going to be split into two parts. I know that they normally do the preliminaries and semi-finals for each sport first and then the finals afterwards, but I just wrote about one sport at a time so it wouldn't become too confusing. Hope that makes sense, and as always I hope you enjoy and I love you all! :D

The day you'd been looking forward to for weeks had finally arrived - the Idol Star Athletics Championships. You're great at sports and you really enjoy them but your hand issue, as well as your busy schedule, made it pretty difficult to play most of the sports that you used to enjoy. Therefore you were really excited to spend the day with your members, playing sports and meeting other idols.

Your hair was straightened and left out, as you were going for a simple and comfortable look that day. You were wearing a few silver accessories to compliment your white tracksuit, consisting of a simple necklace and a pair of hooped earrings.

The first event of the day was bowling and, since it was indoors, not many people could watch. The idols who weren't participating were all waiting outside, either sitting around or interacting with the fans. You were happy because of how many fans showed up to support your group, feeling extremely grateful. The fans absolutely loved the idea of your group being on ISAC; They adore your interactions with the boys, and this was literally a chance for them to watch it for the entire day. You were sitting on the floor with your members just talking casually with them, and occasionally getting up to wave to the fans.

When you guys were interacting with the fans you noticed Chan walking away to talk to someone.
"Unnie!" you gasped, a grin making its way onto your face when you realised who he was conversing with. You excitedly ran over, Jihyo being the first to pull you into a hug when you reach them. The other TWICE members got excited at the sight of their adorable little sister, moving to embrace you into a group hug which you returned enthusiastically.

You guys spent a bit of time stood up, and you ended up teaching the girls some of the choreography from My Pace which was really fun. Shortly afterwards, you randomly started dancing to Dance the Night Away out of boredom and your members, quickly realising what you were doing, joined in. This ended up with both of your groups dancing together, which everybody started screaming and cheering at.

You looked over and noticed someone you hadn't spoken to in a while, so you walked over after letting Changbin know where you were going.
"Jeno oppa!" you called out, walking over to where he was standing with two of his members, Chenle and Lucas.
"Byeollie~" he smiled when he realised you were the one who had been calling him, bringing you into a hug and ruffling your hair.
You bowed politely to the other two members, and they smiled at you in response.
You caught up with the NCT members for a while and got to know Chenle and Lucas a little better, before returning to your group.

After waving to the fans a little more, you sat with the TWICE members and just caught up, your members sitting close by and joining in on a few of the conversations. Sana came over to sit beside you after a while, and you looked over at her with a smile.
"How are you feeling?" she asked. The last time she had seen or spoken to you was when you spent time together in the practice rooms, and you had that little breakdown in front of her.
"I'm getting there, unnie." She pulled you into a hug.
"I loved the album, angel." You smiled, knowing exactly what she was trying to say. She was proud of you.
When she heard Voices, she could immediately tell that you had written it and that it was about what you had been going through at the time.
She was proud of you for having the confidence to finally open up about your feelings in that way, and had been meaning to compliment you for it.

The next game was female archery, in which both of your friends' groups would be playing against each other - Red Velvet and TWICE. When they prepared to start, you began cheering for both teams and shouting "hwaiting unnies!" causing everybody to laugh at your cuteness, since the cameras managed to catch the action.

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