ships (maknae line)

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Hyunjin x Byeol
•One of the most popular ships, like STAYs LIVE for interactions between these two
•Visual line
•Random kisses and cuddles - he's literally always backhugging you and you love playing with his hair
•Only you can wake him up easily
•Piggyback rides!
•Learn dances and make your own choreography together sometimes
•The two of you can sense when the other has something on their mind or if they're feeling uncomfortable in any way, and know exactly how to calm the other down
•He was actually your first kiss ;)
•His parents absolutely ADORE you so they always tell Hyunjin to bring you whenever he visits them (and they highkey want you as their daughter-in-law but aNYWAYSSSSS ¯\_(ツ) _/¯)
•You are wHIPPED for Kkami, and he gets jealous when you give Kkami more attention than him (but he secretly loves it)
•His wallpaper on his phone is a picture of you cuddling with Kkami <3333
•He's constantly poking your dimples
•You both have a mole under your eyes in the same place, so people always joke and say that the two of you are soulmates
•You try to help him with his English but he always gets distracted by your accent because he aDORES it
•Puts his arm on your head and leans against you to tease you about your height
•You call him 'Prince' and he calls you 'Princess' :))
•Doing each other's hair and walking around the dorm wearing couple hairbands UwU
•You share a room with him and the rest of the maknae line
•CrAcKhEaDs around each other
•VERY possessive and protective towards you (but to be honest they all are)

Felix x Byeol
•One of the most popular ships
•You're both learning Korean together with the help of the other members
•The koala couple <3
•You're obsessed with his freckles and you're constantly poking his cheeks and admiring them
•Sometimes you go to cuddle him when you can't sleep and you just lay there counting his freckles until you do :)
•Mainly speak to each other in English
•Calls you 'hun' a lot
•You always kiss his cheek whenever Changbin's looking to annoy him
•Both of you have an overwhelming collection of plushies, most of yours were actually gifts from him because he knows you love them
•STAYs have shipped these two together since the survival show
•You have a special love for each other and he has a lot of respect for you because you asked to be eliminated instead of him in the survival show, and he will be forever grateful towards you for it
•He had the biggest smile on his face when you came back in the last mission of the survival show
•You're both obsessed with NCT and learn all of their dances together

Jisung x Byeol
•You help him write lyrics sometimes while he helps you with your vocals and rapping, as well as your pronunciation
•He stays with you when you're recording for a new song, giving pointers and just generally helping you stay calm because he knows how insecure and nervous you get
•He takes you out for tteokbokki a lot and buys the snacks you like
•Deep late night chats while eating the snacks he bought you </3
•You also have a habit of storing food in your cheeks when you eat :)
•The only other member (apart from Chan) who has seen you cry so far
•You're always prepared to save him whenever he forgets his lyrics during a live performance that it honestly looks so natural now
•Mood makers of the group - literal crackheads around each other
•Will never stop bullying him for his iconic line: cHeOgIyO nOoNa HoKsHi NaMjAcHiNgU iSsEoYo

Seungmin x Byeol
•He always smiles really widely whenever you're around or being mentioned
•When he's hurt or upset you always know how to make him feel better, your presence calms him down a lot
•You took care of him a lot when he got hurt during the filming of Finding SKZ
•He likes and has the most skinship with you compared to the other boys
•You help him with his English and he helps you with your Korean
•Is always hurting your feelings by telling you unicorns aren't real, but then repays you with cuddles and snacks to make you feel better
•You have an album in your photo gallery literally just full of pictures of him smiling and laughing (to be fair, you have one of every member because it's just such a serotonin boost)
•Love to sing covers together
•The founders of the MyDay fan club XD
•Okay but if you two are together it's over for everyone because you bring out his cRACKHEAD side
•Pranksters - he always makes sure you help him with his pranks because the boys love you so you'll be able to get away with it

I.N. x Byeol
•MaKnAeS oN tOp
•You're always taking care of each other, and you treat him like he's the maknae and baby him even though you're younger
•┌( ಠ‿ಠ)┘ 25/8
•You're always pinching each other's cheeks
•Face masks together
•He will literally do ANYTHING for you, like he's wHIPPED
•Lots of ice-cream and bubble tea dates together
•You play piano together a lot
•Piggyback rides
•He only does aegyo willingly for you, and only when you're upset or stressed out

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