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I flung my bags to the side. This was no problem for me, I've been trained. I always have a gun on me, even though we're not at war anymore. I pull it out from the strap on my leg and take a deep breath in. I unlocked the door and stepped in. The lights were out.

I bring out a flashlight, but careful not to make it too bright. First, I went to the kitchen. Nothing was different from when I left. The apple still in the same place on the counter, getting old. Dining room. Nothing. Bathroom, same. Finally, after a couple more rooms, the only one left was my bedroom.

Why would someone go in there? There was nothing valuable.

The door was cracked open, and I swiftly opened it wider and stepped in without a sound. A dim lamp light was on, the one I rarely used.

Now I was sure of it, someone was here. In my bedroom. In the room I am standing in right now.

I shook my head. Who would be so stupid? To walk into the top military officer's bedroom? Don't they know the chances of getting there head blown off? Man, people these days... I'm starting to sound like Day. I laugh quietly to myself.

What happened next was such a blur that I was only able to process it later.

After I laughed, a gasp came from the person lurking in my apartment. The sound came from he closet, I pointed my gun in that direction, ready.

"If you want to live, you better come out NOW!" I was angry! People dont have the right to break into my home and creep around.

The closet opened and I saw a tall figure, that I barely recognized.

"Hello, Junebug", Metias Iparis smiled.

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