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I feel like a new person. This girl. June. Oh, how could I have forgotten!

I lay in bed that night, cold tears rolling down my cheek.

Eden had greeted me when I got home, and he smiled. I smiled back.

The past ten years, I have been trying to remember what I had forgotten. I had felt like something was taken away from me. Something important. And now I know, it was June, I missed June.

The next morning I sat the table eating breakfast with Eden. We laugh together, like always, until he had to go to work. I said bye and he headed off. I didn't really have anything to do so I decided to stop by June's. With my new memories, I could remember exactly where it was. I rung the door bell. She answered and said hello.

"I have the day off. Do you want to go on a walk?", she asked.

"Ok", I replied, watching her long ponytail swing around.

I asked her a lot of questions, "How did I loose my memory? Why didn't you introduce yourself to me when I woke up at the hospital?" So on and so on. I could see she was trying to answer the best she could. Then she asked me questions. We laughed and talked for what only seemed like minutes, but ended up being two hours. We walked back to her apartment and said bye.

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