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Amara's POV:

I've gotten sicker as the number 31 has gotten closer. I have not been myself as I knew I would, but everyone has been there for me. I can't even look at my own children before I start to say things that I don't mean. They've taken me to St' Mungos Hospital to see if they can help me but no help. I knew these would be my last years.

I always hear Draco crying in the next door from mine. I want to comfort him telling him that everything will be okay but we all know it won't be. And there's no way to change it, it's just the way life chose for me to live.

"Draco," I whispered for Draco to come to my room.

"Yes darling? Is everything okay?" he asked worried.

"Everything is just fine love," I started. "I wanted to talk about what would happen after I pass." I started. "Please don't talk let me do the talking this time," I managed to say before he opened his mouth to speak.

I knew Draco wanted to protect me but he knew he couldn't which made him mad.

"After I pass, I want you to take care of our kids like we would do if I was alive. Don't cry at night saying it was your fault when we all know it isn't. Pansy, Ginny, and Hermione agreed to help you with the kids when you aren't able to. They will always be there when I won't be. I'm sure the kids will miss me but please tell them that I love them and I'll be looking after them and you." I said giving him a kiss.

"And lastly, please move on don't stay hung up on me, I won't be happy about it. Although I must say find someone that will care for our children." We both chuckled.

"Just promise me one thing please?" I said as he nodded. "After I pass away don't say it's your fault, take care of our children, and move on. We'll see each other again when it's your time, I promise." And with that I closed my eyes until I saw a bright light.

I saw my parents and Fred Weasley smiling and waiting for me to hug them.

Draco's POV:

"Amara love?" I said not being to wake her up. "AMARA PLEASE WAKE UP!" I screamed my hand still being with her hand i could feel the coldness of the ring I gave her for christmas. "NO. You can't live without you. PLEASE." I screamed.

Everyone came running inside the house when they heard my screaming. I could see everyone starting to cry from the sight of Amara sleeping peacefully. The kids were at Hogwarts so they weren't at home when Amara passed.

"Draco, Amara is in a better place now. She's with her parents and Fred remember?" Hermione hugged me. But I nothing came out of my mouth.

I stayed laying down next to Amara playing with her hair for hours until Blaise told me he'll hurt me if I don't get up. I just couldn't leave her. I knew this was going to come but not this early in our life.

We were happy. She was the love of my life, she will forever be the love of my life. She had my children that mean the world to me. She made me smile, she made my heart beat faster when I saw her.

I just don't know how i'll live on. I want her to be happy for me but how will I move on. I just can't, and I'm sorry.

Draco's POV

It's been a year since Amars passed away. The children were devastated but I made sure for them to tell them what Amara wanted to me to tell them.

"Your mother loves you very much, you know that right?" I said they nodded. "She's also looking after you guys and me. So we will also be safe." I said giving them a tight hug.

"Pansy, Ginny, and Hermione will always be here to help when I can't. They love you guys as much as mum and I do. I might just need help for somethings, so please think of them as your second mothers." I said with a smile.

"Will you ever get married again dad?" Ava asked.

"I don't know Ava. I don't think I can. I can't love another person when I loved your mother with every single cell in my body." I said tears coming down. "Now come on its time to bed." I put everyone in bed and finally went to my bedroom.

Every time I turn around at night I always think Amara is going to be there. I sometimes cry myself to sleep knowing I won't see Amara until it's my time to pass. There have been times I just want my time to end, but then I remember I have children that won't have a mother and father. I stay here for them because without I wouldn't be able to have fun even without Amara with us.

Every Saturday we go to the grave to visit mum. We pick out lavender flowers since that was her favorite color. I let the kids go roam around the graveyard but not to far while I talk to Amara.

"I've been promoted at the Ministry. Mother is getting sick but she's fighting through it. Pansy found out she is having another daughter and wants to name her after you." I stay there talking to her for 10 minutes until I realize my kids are getting bored. So we leave and go get ice-cream in the summers.

When they are away at Hogwarts, Blaise and Pansy let me stay at there house. I help Blaise clean the house since Pansy can't do it because of her pregnancy and Blaise doesn't know how to clean. I learned from Amara making me clean the house when we had just bought our house.

"Oh come one Draco! Don't be a baby. Cleaning is honestly the easiest thing there ever is." She laughed.

"Why do we have to clean, there's something called Magic." I said she just stared at me.

We cleaned the house the whole day. There would be breaks were we would dance around the house together like our first time.

I still have the necklace she gave me, I always open it up when I feel lonely. And that's when I start to smile. When I see the memory of us dancing together and looking at each other like we were going to rip our throats out. I always laugh when I think of that moment.

"Amara sweetheart please tell me you're alright with Fred and your parents." I always think in my head. When will it be my turn?

Amara's POV:

It's hurts me seeing Draco crying at night when the children are asleep. I know he wants to see me, I do too don't get me wrong. I just want him to come when it's the moment, right now I'd like for him to be with the kids since I can't.

I always smile when I see them come to visit me in the graveyard. He still remembers my favorite color I told him the first time we talked together.

Even though no one can see it I sit down next to Draco and put my head on his shoulder when he starts talking to him. I talk back but of course he doesn't know that. No one does.

I really love everyone for helping Draco out when he can especially when it's girl problem, which is where Pansy, Ginny and Hermione come in help. They sometimes fight because they tell each other one of them is wrong which honestly makes my day. I want to thank Blaise and Pansy for letting Draco stay with them when the kids are away. I need to thank everyone for everything. But that's when it's the time.

Narrators POV

It's been a year since Pansy found out she was pregnant. She named the baby Amara Zabini in honor of Amara.

Everything has been the same, Draco has started to become happy again as he knows they'll meet each other one day just not today.

Draco is starting to teach the kids, mainly the boys how to become gentlemen. Harry, Blaise, Ron, and Draco fight about who's the really gentlemen, the kids just laugh about it.

Everyone is starting to have fun again knowing Amara is in a better place but never forgetting about the memories they made with her. The time will come when everyone will see each other.

Give it time,
Keep moving forward,
and never give up,

- Loren Spring Hill

- That's it for this story! I've enjoyed writing it. I cried writing this chapter and last but i'm sorry I didn't know she was going to die. They were just to happy I need for someone to die.

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