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Amara's POV:

I made sure to bring my earbuds to Hogwarts this year as I really want to talk to my soulmate. I might sound selfish, but come on. I don't want to be the lonely girl at Hogwarts anymore.

I sat next to Hermione, Ron and Harry in front of us. Ginny had gone to sit with her other friends since she hadn't talked to them all the summer.

"So Amara, when are you going to put those earbuds in and talk to your soulmate?" Harry said as I gave him a mad glare.

"Oh I don't know probably when you stop being annoying Harry." I snapped back as everyone started to laugh.

"Let her be guys. It's her life, plus she has plenty of time." Hermione assured me as I gave her a smile as a response to thank you.

"I better be going I have to put my robes on. I'm guessing we're almost arriving at Hogwarts," I said as I left the compartment.

Even though i'm in Slytherin I still sit with the Gryffindors. I don't really care if I get detention anymore since I always get them when Malfoy and I fight.

As I was making my way to the bathroom someone knocked into me almost making me fall.

"Fuck," I murmured.

"Watch were you're going blood traitor." Malfoy shouted.

"Excuse me? You're the only who bumped into me asshole." I objected standing 3 inches away from Malfoy. He just smirked.

"Whatever Lozano," He chuckled as he entered a compartment.

I went back going to the way I was going wondering why he didn't say anything more like he used to.

Draco's POV:

As I bumped into Lozano I couldn't help to yell at her for bumping into me even though I knew I was the reason we bumped into each other.

"Watch where your going blood traitor." I snap instantly.

"Excuse me? You're the only who bumped into me asshole." She objects defensively.

"Whatever." I smirk as I head inside a compartment with Blaise and Pansy.

"Why are you smirking at lover boy?" Blaise jokes.

"Nothing. Get a room you two. It's fucking annoying." I protested as I entered seeing Pansy and Blaise snogging.

"You're just mad because you haven't found one yet dumbass." Pansy adds to Blaise's comment.

"It's not my fault my soulmate hasn't listened to music. It's like she's scared to or I don't know. She better listen soon or I'll find her myself." I sighed as I stared out the window.

We finally arrived at Hogwarts and entered the Dining Hall. First years were sorted into their houses. We got a few new Slytherins but I didn't really care. I sat next to Pansy with Blaise in front of us. I noticed Lozano was seated next to Pansy. Since when we're they friends?

Professor Mcgonagall was the new Headmistress since Snape died during the war. My father was sent to Azkaban so it's only me and my mother. Which is fine by me. My father ruined my childhood because of the whole death eater and Voldemort shit. I'll be celebrating the minute he dies.

"Attention please," Mcgonagall shouts, "I hope everyone is excited for this year! I know last year was rough but we got through it. So I know we will get through this year! Now prefects please take our first years to their dormitory's while the others can stay and eat or go up to your dormitories as well." She finished as everyone clapped.

"Well, we will see how this year goes by. Hopefully better than the last 6 years. Am I right?" Blaise jokes and winks at the end of his sentence.

"Blaise where the fuck do you get these jokes from? Whoever you're getting them from must not get payed well." I say as everyone laughs as well as Lozano.

I must say she has a very pretty laugh, I mean every single thing of her is pretty. Wait what? What am I saying, I must be tired or some shit. "Let's go to the dormitory's." I ask as everyone nods.

Everyone stayed in the common room for a while talking about their summers. We all went to bed when the time started to get late, but I stayed for a little while not knowing Lozano stayed as well.

"Well i'm going to bed. Goodnight Malfoy." She said.

"Night Lozano." I respond. Why was she being nice to me. She literally hates me for bullying her all these years.

I finally decided to go to bed after Lozano left wondering how different my childhood would have been if I didn't have my father controlling everything I did.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐍 | 𝗱.𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗳𝗼𝘆Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz