Chapter 8

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Stefan froze when he reached the graveyard, with me huffing and puffing as I reached the same spot a few minutes later. Opening my mouth to speak, I closed it when he held up a hand to silence me. For the next few moments, we both stood in complete silence until Stefan's head suddenly turned to the right and he speeded over there.

"Ugh," I groaned, getting ready to follow him again, "What the hell!"

Just then, I felt something moving behind me and noticed the thick fog surrounding me. Please let that not be a crow. Please let that not be a crow!

I turned around to find Damon leaning against a gravestone, "A girl your age shouldn't be out here all alone at this time of the night."

I stepped toward him, leaning against another gravestone myself as I said, "You know Damon if I didn't know any better I would've thought that you were stalking me."

"And what makes you think that I'm not?" Damon asked raising him eyebrow and letting a smirk play on his lips.

I had no answer for that and felt myself looking into his clear blue eyes. Stop! I told myself sternly. Vicki, Jeremy, Stefan. Go find them.

"Oh I know that you are following someone, Damon, but I also happen to know that that person isn't me," I said. Although I wish it was.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Damon's eyes twinkled in the darkness, "Hoping to become my midnight feast?"

"Yeah, I wish," I muttered rolling my eyes while feeling some colour rush to my cheeks because I had no idea of whether I was being sarcastic or if I actually meant it. "Stefan and I came here to find Vicki. Elena told us she's here with Jeremy."

"So where's Stefan?" Damon questioned, looking around as if hoping to spot him.

"Oh, he went in that direction," I said pointing to the direction I saw him going in; "I think he heard them."

"He went alone? Why didn't you go with him?" Damon looked slightly angry and he sounded worried.

"Well, I lost him. He was going in his vampire speed. You should be thankful I managed to keep up with him on my way here," I breathed out.

Just then Damon looked in the exact same direction that Stefan had and sped away.

"Dammit!" I grumbled as I ran in that direction. I immediately came across a clearing and saw what was going on from a safe distance away. Stefan had managed to pry Vicki away from Jeremy, who didn't seem to be hurt, and was now trying to talk to her. He was probably convincing her to come to the boarding house with him and not hurt Jeremy.

I could see that Vicki was conflicted, her gaze flickering between Jeremy and Stefan. Jeremy seemed to be shaken, but not scared which meant that Stefan had managed to save Jeremy before Vicki could've hurt him. But I was pretty sure that he had a rough idea of what was going on. As I observed him, he turned around and his eyes met mine. Almost immediately I saw a spark of realisation going off in his eyes. He recognised me!

Damon also seemed to be looking at what was happening but from closer towards Stefan and Vicki. I managed to keep my eyes on all three of them while slowly making my way towards Jeremy. When I stood next to him, Vicki seemed to have made a decision.

"No!" She growled at Stefan before tackling him to the ground and putting her hand on his neck. I gasped, not knowing what to do and turning to look at Damon who just seemed to stand there.

Out of nowhere, I saw a piece of wood appear in Vicki's hand as she stabbed Stefan in his shoulder. Alright, that was it! I had no idea what I was going to do, but I was going to do something.

"Vicki, I come in peace," Damon spoke out loud, standing in front of her. Vicki stopped for a second and looked up, and that was all the distraction that Damon needed to take the piece of wood from her hand and appear stab her from behind.

I quickly looked away before it happened and heard a thud of Vicki's body falling on the floor. By the time I turned around, the body was gone and Damon was kneeling in front of his brother.

"You alright, brother?" Damon asked patting Stefan on his shoulder.

I thought you came in peace," Stefan managed to grind out and winced as he tried to sit up.

Damon chuckled darkly as he said, "I couldn't let her kill you. That's my job remember."

I shook my head at his response. Damon sure had a weird way of showing his brotherly love for Stefan.

"A 'you're welcome' would've been a better reply don't you think," I nudged Damon as he tried to help Stefan up.

"It wouldn't have killed Stefan to say 'thank you'," Damon said. I shook my head at him, they were both unbelievably stubborn. Damon put Stefan's hand around his shoulder before disappearing out of site. It took me a few seconds after they'd gone to realise something.

They'd completely forgotten about Jeremy!

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