Chapter 7

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I went back to the Boarding house, tired and cold and exhausted with everything in general. There was nobody inside so I figured that Stefan must’ve gone out somewhere or must still be in school. Just as I went into the living room and settled down with a glass of water, I heard a noise.

Holding a wooden spoon in my hand (it was the only wooden object I could find at such short notice) I went to check out that noise.

“Stefan,” I called out, hoping that it was him, “Is that you?”

My heart skipped a beat when I turned back around and saw a familiar face staring at me. “Vicki,” I gasped, staggering backwards. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest as I saw her pale face and her eyes.

She licked her lips as she walked towards me, her eyes watching me hungrily. My brain went numb as I realised that Vicki was a vampire and I tried to think of how that was even possible. I had seen Damon killing her right in front of me and I had cleaned her blood for god’s sake. Then when Caroline and Sherriff Forbes had come to the Grill, Damon had left with Vicki’s dead body.

Suddenly, I saw Vicki’s eyes turn red and her fangs pop out. Knowing what was coming next, I ran out of the there and into the corridor. A scream making its way up my throat as I bumped into something-or someone.

“Stefan,” I gasped with relief.

“Hey, I was waiting for you,” Stefan started to say, “I didn’t know that you were already…”

I turned to look back into the living room but Vicki wasn’t there anymore, she was gone.

My heart sank as I realised that Vicki would never find peace now. When she died now (and she would…) she would still go to the other side and try to communicate with Matt. She would still try to make him bring her back, and he would (of course he would). For the first time since I had come here, I actually felt angry at Damon. Why had he done this to her? What was the point of all this?

“What happened?” Stefan asked as I turned back around, “You look like you just saw a ghost.”

“Vicki was here,” I said, trying to catch my breath, “And she was a vampire.”

Stefan looked shocked, “How did that happened?”

“Look I’ll explain it all to you later alright,” I told him, “Right now, we need to go find Vicki before she kills someone.”

“Well how do we know where she’s gone?” Stefan asked and I stopped for a second, trying to wrack my brain and remember…

“Oh shit!” I cursed as I realised where she might have gone, it was the first place she’d gone to when she’d run away in the show.

“What? Do you know where she is?” Stefan tried to ask.

I nodded my head in response, “She’s gone to Elena’s place.”

“Are you sure about this?” Stefan asked me as we stood outside Elena’s house.

I nodded my head, “This is the first place she comes to on the show.”

“I still don’t think I’ve wrapped my head around the fact that my life is a TV show,” Stefan muttered putting a hand in that gorgeous hair of his. Oh god no.

I quickly looked away from him and stepped forward to ring the doorbell. This wasn’t the right time for the fan girl inside me to make an appearance.

“So does Damon have something to do with the fact that there’s a druggie addict teenage vampire running around in this town?” Stefan asked getting directly to the point.

I pursed my lips, not being able to agree with him because of my loyalty to Damon but also not denying the fact that it was most probably Damon.

I had let it go when he’d killed Vicki. It had been a pretty wrong thing to do but I’d still let it go because I’d known that this was a better ending for her than the one she would’ve actually gotten in the show. Now though I just felt like this pit in my stomach, this feeling of horror and dread was getting bigger and bigger till it was almost big enough to eat me up.

“It was him, wasn’t it,” Stefan said shaking his head.

I swallowed thickly but told him the truth, “I don’t know.”

“Where were you anyway? I couldn’t find you in the boarding house after I came back from school. I thought Damon had done something to you,” Stefan continued.

“I went to the Grill to get a part time job,” I told him, “I didn’t have any money on me so I thought that since I had nothing better to do….”

I shrugged my shoulders as I trailed off, “But I’m sorry. I guess I should’ve left a note.”

“If you needed money you could’ve just asked me,” Stefan said, “You didn’t need to go find yourself a part time job.”

“Well, it’s always been a kind of dream of mine to work a part time job and I wasn’t about to let a possible bartending job at the Grill pass,” I replied excitedly, happy to be living the dream.

Just then, the door opened to reveal Elena.

“Oh, hey Stefan,” Elena’s cheeks went red when she spotted him, “What are you doing here?”

“Umm..well…I was just wondering if maybe Vicki had come by here,” Stefan said, a slight red colour appearing on his own cheeks.

“Yeah she did just a few minutes ago,” Elena nodded but before she could continue, I interrupted.

“Did she take Jeremy with her?” I asked.

“Actually she did. How did you…?” Elena started off.

“Where did they go?” Stefan asked.

“Near Fell’s church I think,” Elena answered and I suddenly felt my blood turn cold.

“You mean the graveyard,” I confirmed and when Elena nodded her head, I turned to look at Stefan, “We need to go there now!”

Stefan nodded his head in agreement before turning to Elena to say goodbye but she seemed to be asking him something without saying it out loud.

“Elena, this is my friend Sherry,” Stefan told her, finally understanding her unspoken words, “She’s known me for a long time.”

That line would’ve been hilarious in any other circumstances but right now, we needed to hurry.

“It was nice to meet you Elena, but we have to go,” I told her.

Stefan said one last thing to her before coming with me, “Stay inside the house until I come back with Jeremy.”

With that Stefan ran along the path leading to the Fell’s church graveyard with vampire speed and left me behind on my own.

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