Chapter 2

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“No, Damon, stop!” I yelled before I could stop myself and the next thing I knew, I was being held with a tight, choking grip against a tree trunk.

He forced me to look into his eyes as he asked, “Who are you and how do you know my name?”

It was pretty obvious that he was compelling me and any second now I expected my mouth to open with the truth tumbling out of it. But my mouth stayed shut and I couldn’t help but looked surprised.

“You don’t need to compel me. I’ll tell you everything you want to know,” I told him as I felt a cough hacking my body.

Damon tightened his grip on my neck as he asked, “Why can’t I compel you?”

“I don’t know,” I whispered, feeling slightly nauseous now, “Can’t breathe.”

He let go of my neck, making me fall to the ground gasping for breath.

“Sooo…,” Damon said, folding his hands, “Talk.”

Impatient Bastard! But what else did I expect? This was Damon Salvatore. The guy was practically born a stubborn bastard.

But I just couldn’t find it in me to be angry with him and once I opened my mouth, the story just seemed to flow from my lips. I told him everything that had happened to me, even though I knew that there was a possibility that he wouldn’t believe half the stuff that I was saying.

When I was done talking, I saw an amused smile playing on Damon’s lips. So he believes me! I thought hopefully.

“How can I be sure that you’re not just making this up because you don’t want me kill you?” he asked, raising his eyebrow at me.

“Look you can kill me later, after we figure out how I ended up here and how to get me back to….my world or whatever,” I told him, wanting him to believe me.

I knew that trusting people used to be a very big issue for Damon in the past and right now I had no idea which Damon I was dealing with. But I figured that with him being okay with the whole killing humans’ concept, it had to be Season 1 or, hell, even early Season 2 of the series.

“So you say that you know me, that you know who I am and what I am capable of, and yet here you are,” he said, stepping slowly towards me. It didn’t take me long to figure out why, with each small step he took forward, I seemed to be taking a huge step backwards.

He seemed to be looking at me like the lions on Animal Planet looked at the herd of buffaloes or the flock of deer-like they were just waiting to jump them.

“I…umm,” I finally bumped against something, another tree trunk, so I couldn’t back away from him anymore, “because I need your help.”

And I trusted him. That was the weird thing. I probably knew more about Damon than he did about himself and I guess it was that knowledge that made me more confident than ever that he would help me.

“You know snapping your neck right now could be as easy as snapping a twig in half for me,” Damon snarled, pulling a twig from one of the branches and snapping it in half right in front of me.

I flinched of course and was really scared, but I swallowed the lump in my throat and said, “But you won’t.”

I could feel my voice wavering and even hear it when I spoke to him. I forced myself to take a few deep calming breaths and tried to make myself believe that Damon wouldn’t really kill me.

As much as I wouldn’t mind getting killed by Damon, I really didn’t want to die, especially not before I got to meet Kol or Enzo.

Damon tilted his head, sending me one of his most dazzling smiles, “And why is that?”

I was wondering that myself. What reason did he have to not kill me? Because I hadn’t managed to give him even one so far.

I suddenly had an idea, knowing exactly what I was going to say to him, but hesitating all the same. I knew that this ‘Elena speech’ that I was planning on giving him would probably make him kill me within the first few seconds, but it was worth a try.

“Because I know you Damon-better than you know yourself-and although you might find it hard to believe, you have good in you,” I paused and took a look at Damon’s face.

Oh god he’s gonna kill me now! He’s gonna kill me! Not that I didn’t deserve it already, what with the pansy speech that I’d given him. Only Elena was good at the whole ‘you-can-change-Damon’ speech. Not me.

In fact I was pretty sure that Damon was just laughing in his mind now, at my pathetic attempt of trying to save my own life.

Goodbye world! Goodbye Mystic Falls! Goodbye my future husband Kol and my other husband Enzo…and maybe I can fit Damon somewhere inside that equation.

Oh great, being a pansy wasn’t enough now I’d started acting like a melodramatic too. *Sigh* I wonder how I’m going to survive in this place.

“Good,” Damon almost spat out, “You think I’m good?! You must have me mistaken with my brother Stefan. He’s the do-gooder, so if you want someone to help you I suggest you go knock on his door. Probably has ‘Saint Stefan’ written on the name plate outside the house with some stupid description of him like-he helps the bereaved.”

Damon gave a dark chuckle at his own joke and turned with his back to me.

I bit my lip, using all my energy to try and not run away while I had the chance. Did Damon really hate his brother…hate himself that much?

If I hadn’t known better, I would’ve probably gone with a yes. I mean did he hate himself a lot, but not his brother. He loved Stefan, but he would never admit it to anyone-not even to himself.

“Damon….,” I called out to him, wanting to say a thousand things to him, a thousand words. But he stopped me before I could.

“You should probably go,” He said, his voice dangerously soft.

“I….,” I started to say, but he interrupted me.

“GO!” Damon said and he turned around with his fangs out and his veins popping out, eyes slowly turning red. He looked dangerous and it scared me.

My mind suddenly seemed to have stopped working but my legs hadn’t and they took me as far away from him as possible before I could even register what I was seeing. And when I turned back again, I saw nothing but darkness.

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