4. The Library

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You checked the time,

You had been at the library for over two hours and felt like you hadn't accomplished a single thing, switching between tasks until your brain felt like mush.

You closed your laptop and pushed it away from you, silently chastising yourself for wasting half of winter break doing absolutely fucking nothing as you slumped onto the table to close your eyes for a minute. You had work at 11 tonight and really didn't want to go, not when you already had 2 papers and 1 revision due soon that you hadn't even come close to starting.

Hux was usually pretty understanding when it came to school, he'd been managing Maz's for long enough to know how nonexistent a work-life balance could be for a college student. Still, you were the only bartender at Maz's that was still on campus and you really needed the money so...you didn't really have much of a choice.

As you laid there with your eyes closed, your mind started to wonder, thinking back to the hefty tip Professor Ren had given you the night you met.

You sat up, biting your bottom lip as you pondered something- how did a new professor leave such a huge tip? Plus his expensive watches, his nice clothes...Sure, you went to a nice college but he couldn't be any older than what? 32? 33? Usually the professors were wrinkled and had tenure before they started strutting their wealth like that.

You pulled your laptop back to you and started typing away, the clack of your keyboard echoing through the abandoned library.

That was the nice thing about this library in particular, literally no one was ever here, even when school was in session. Everyone preferred the newer one with the state of the art equipment and fancy shit but you found solace in the antiquity of this building. You found comfort in the silence and the strong scent of old books. Tucked away in your corner, hidden from view- hidden from the world.

It was nice.

You typed in his name first, 'Kylo Ren,' but nothing really of note came up.

You did find out that he went to Stanford so he definitely came from money. You also managed to find a couple of op-eds he had written during his time at school, which you saved to read later. Then you stumbled across an article that spoke about his post graduate plans.

You clicked it, skimming through but quickly found yourself staring at the photo they used of him instead. He looked about the same, maybe a couple of years younger, and was holding his diploma...but you couldn't look away from his smile. He was beaming from ear to ear; a far cry from the stoicism that he wore nearly every time you'd seen him. That's when your eyes fell to the much shorter, older woman by his side. Her face was worn but beautiful, her eyes kind. She was beaming too and you could feel the love radiating from just her photo. You looked to the description, trying to figure out who she was.

Pictured: Kylo Ren right, Leia Organa-Solo left.

Leia Organa-Solo...why does that name sound so familiar? You highlighted her name and clicked search, bringing forth a wealth of information.

Assassination attempt on Leia Organa-Solo thwarted, child sent into protection.

Curious, you clicked.

World renowned politician and philanthropist, Leia Organa-Solo, best known for her peace work in the war torn country of Batuu and co-founding the 'Republic Protection Alliance', is safe after an attempt was made on her life this past Thursday. Sources close to the family say that while Organa-Solo is shaken up, her resolve remains stronger than ever. Questions however have risen about the whereabouts of her and partner Han Solo's only child. Famously kept away from the public eye, it has been speculated that after the most recent attempt on the Organa-Solos lives, their child has been whisked away to the safety of an unknown family member for protect-

Pleasure and Pain (Professor Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now