16. A Very Bad Idea

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A/N: Well...I think I've kept us all waiting for long enough.

Warnings: Some light dom/sub vibes, aggressive sex, overstimulation.



Your chest felt tight, eyes wide as you studied the message illuminating your screen. You were convinced that you were reading it wrong, that the early hour was messing with your eyes or your reading comprehension.

But the message never changed, each reiteration blooming a nervous warmth that bled into your belly. He'd answered you.

He'd never answered you before.

More than that, he'd invited you over. He wants to see you. Tonight.

The warmth in your belly began to prickle your skin, your body humming as you considered your response. You should say no, offer up some bullshit excuse as to why you can't tonight and leave it at that...you weren't stupid. You knew why he was inviting you over. Nothing wholesome was going to come from you showing up at his door at 2 in the morning. It's not like he was going to sit you down and start a book club....but the more you thought about it, the harder it became to actually care.

He wasn't your teacher anymore, not technically. Plus you're an adult, plenty old enough to do as you pleased...Still, you couldn't shake this whisper of doubt, emanating from the base of your skull. It said that doing this, going to his house in the dead of night and sleeping with Kylo Ren would end in a mess; a mess you'd be willingly stepping into. A mess that you'd have no one to blame for but yourself.

But then again... you've never really been one to mind a mess.

You turned your attention to your phone as you scampered off to your bedroom to change, shooting off a quick message to Ren.

'I'm on my way'


You weren't particularly proud of the way your body fidgeted as you climbed the stone steps that lead to his front door. But you couldn't help it.

You'd realized far too late how many things could go wrong.

He could already be asleep, leaving you to stew on his front stoop. Someone could see you, the wrong someone. Someone who wouldn't be willing to look past a student sneaking into her professor's house in the dead of night.

But worst of all, last you knew he'd been on a date...what if this was some weird, surprise threesome kind of thing? The thought made you irrationally nauseous.

You shook the doubt from your head as you settled in front of his door; a dim, warm light bleeding through the frosted glass. He wants to see you. You want to see him. That's that.

With a sharp inhale of crisp night air, you'd gathered your courage and knocked.

But the second your knuckles met wood, a chill crested your skin, regret sinking deep into your bones as your doubt reared back with a vengeance.

You shouldn't be here.

This is a bad idea.

You should leav-

Before you even had a chance to fully process what you were feeling, the door swung open. Your breath caught on the lump in your throat as you took in the sight of him. His massive frame took up much of the doorway, the light from inside catching on thick dark waves of his hair--on his strong, broad shoulders, before flooding out around him. It was almost annoying how he could still look so incredible in a simple black t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. 

Pleasure and Pain (Professor Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now