8. A Dyad

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"Wait--wait," you managed between wonton gasps, your hand fumbling around in the dark, searching for your phone. Poe nuzzled his face further into you in response; your hips quivering, thighs clamping around his head as he hummed against your clit.

"Fuck," you squeaked, fingertips finally tapping against your phone, nails digging into the lip of the case and dragging it closer. Poe hummed in admonishment, his hand leaving the soft fold of your hip to swat your phone away.

"I have to tell Rey--"

"Shhh," he whispered, placing a tender kiss to your inner thigh before plunging two fingers into you. "She'll figure it out."

His fingers crooked inside of your pussy, massaging your walls with tender strokes as you melted into the bed beneath you. Your breath hitched when his soft, warm lips met your clit again, latching around it and letting his mouth vibrate in a low, drawn out moan.

"You're good at this," you breathed, your fingers raking through his soft brown curls. He did something with his tongue, something incredible, something...familiar.

"Oh god," you mewled, your fingers lingering in his thick dark hair. You let your neck crain, chin meeting your chest to look at him when--

'You're dangerous'

"What did you just say?" your breath catching on the sudden lump in your throat. You twisted your fingers deeper into his hair and pulled, forcing his mouth from your cunt.

"You're delicious," he murmured, diving back down, tongue first, his fingers sloppily thrusting into you. A sigh of relief fled your chest, your head falling back onto his pillow as you tried to pretend that that didn't just happen. That you didn't just fucking hallucinate Kylo Ren's voice as someone else was licking you between your thighs.

You tried desperately to stay to the moment, focusing on the welling pleasure in your core but Ren was an avaricious weed in your mind, the roots of his memory twisting and squeezing the life from your attention. You held your eyes shut, letting your fingers trace over Poe's soft features but only one person was coming to mind.

Deep hazel eyes, rimmed verdant--staring at you, admiring you.

His pink lips, soft and full and tantalizing close to your own.

His strong nose, the smattering of beauty marks across his alabaster complexion.

"Fuck," you groaned, eyes snapping open, darkness slowly dissapating the mental image of Kylo Ren's face.

This isn't fair. This isn't fucking fair. Now not only does his stupid voice ring in your ear 24/7 but now you can't even escape his stupid fucking face either. Not even when--oh shit--Poe.

You looked down at him as you forced an enthusisatic moan, your hips shifting slightly as his fingers worked you. Your hand once again found the top of his head, stroking his face with admiration as the sensation of his tongue laving at your core started shifting back into focus.

'If you keep making a habit of getting--'

You let out a deep, frustrated exhale, your hand easing Poe's face from between thighs to look at you.

"Come here," you said with a forced smile. After all, it wasn't Poe's fault you were haunted by the memory of your history Professor's mouth on your cunt.

He nodded, slowly making his way over you until your face was flush with his. You swiped your sex from his chin before pulling him into a kiss, the head of his cock brushing against your entrance. You let your arms wrap around his neck, legs falling open just a little bit wider to accommodate him when he pushed into you.

Pleasure and Pain (Professor Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now